8.1 Disc PvP feedback

3300 ranked disc priest said on stream that the 8.1 changes will make the spec DOA for 3s, I trust his gut lol


everyone that understands 5% of how the game works is saying this, but somehow the devs won’t listen.
its like them buffing enh dmg by 200% and giving ferals DPS buff + instant cyclone and believing it’ll be alright in PvP


The reason DIsc is made out to be insanely OP is because they are insanely OP. Trying to put pressure on a disc priest in a bg is next to impossible without at least 4 other people helping you. On my survival hunter I can put pressure on every healer except disc, disc priests just sit and don’t take any damage. I’m for any healer nerfs. The only fun bg’s is when no team has any healers. Just got done with AB at LM alliance had a disc/ resto druid and horde had disc/disc, jesus the fight lasted 6 mins so boring nobody on either side went below 50% an we only won at the end because one of the hordes disc priests went near the ledge and I used an explosive trap to knock him off. Disc priests will be fine in 8.1 they won’t be able to tank 4 people at once anymore probably only 3 now but they will be fine.

So basically this means "I can solo any healer on my Surv Hunter except Disc; Nerf Disc. This is why this game’s balance is failing.


Wowhead just posted a compilation of 8.1 changes.

I didn’t know that they were also nerfing a few holy spells. Do anyone really doesn’t feel like they’re just funnelling every priest to shadow?

ptr.wowhead. com / class-changes-tides-of-vengeance-patch-81 (remove the spaces)

I am seriously waiting for them to show up with clown noses saying this is all an out-of-season april’s fools joke


So in your opinion disc is perfectly balanced and fine? No nerfs needed?

You talk like a brainless leftist journalist, didnt you read the thread I just made?

I mean obviously you didnt, but please do, then ask the question agian


Well, to some extent they’re buffing Discipline Priest with the recent changes to our Trinity Honor Talent. A really huge change too.

Old Trinity: The duration of your Atonement is increased by 15 sec and the healing transferred through Atonement is increased by 12%.
However, Atonement can now only affect a maximum of 3 targets and can only be applied through Power Word: Shield.

New Trinity: Atonement’s duration is increased by 15 seconds and the healing transfer increased by 12%, but can only be applied through Power Word: Shield.
Smite, Penance, and Shadowfiend critical strike chance increased by 25% when you have Atonement on 3 or more allies.

Seems like the atonement cap for Trinity is removed, and our atonement duration is 30 seconds at the cost of only being able to apply it through Power Word: Shield. (Also 12% more healing transfer)

that doesn’t fix a thing, just makes we do more dmg at the expense of picking a talent we currently don’t.
we’ll still die in seconds when trained by melee and oom faster when not being trained by melee.
The “die in seconds when being trained by melee” is the worst part btw, as in there is absolutely nothing to stop us from dropping dead, it’ll be worse than monk without mobility.

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Oh I know it won’t fix the problem of us going oom or being trained and dying. That really sucks and I hope we get more attention to that.

I’m just saying we got one of our Honor Talents buffed, that’s all. 30 second atonements with no limit is really great, that’s all, because it can be refreshed to 30 all at once with Archangel.

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Reading this thread has made me sad, I was really hoping my inclination that this death by a thousand nerfs wasn’t gonna wipe the class in terms of PvP viability. As a person who loves healing and PvP I honestly don’t want to play Holy in 2’s or 3’s but I don’t want to catch my alts up as well. Sounds like I’m cucked lol.

I guess this is what we get for being marginally more powerful than ungeared and stupid ppl at the beginning of an expac.

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I am not sure where Bliz gets the idea that priests are so overpowered. It’s not like disc is at the top of the damage charts. Besides D priests need to do damage to heal. Bliz has pretty much destroyed this class. As for dungeon healing that’s probably the only place I dare take this priest to heal. As the heals fall short and there’s no “oh crap” heal to catch everyone up. I’ve played priest for many years and this xpac I have struggled the entire time. So not really listening to the naysayers in here that want to claim it’s me. I don’t do enough damage this is the problem and Bliz wants to nerf the damage that I am doing which is crap damage.

Going to shelf the game in 8.1. I stuck with the game throughout the years and have never really complained with many changes but Disc is in a bad spot as it is. I was running a lvl 113 mage down today and the mage healed itself to half health 3 times while it had a me and a 120 geared dk on it. My penance doesn’t even heal me for that much. When Bliz is handing out nerfs to healers that a mage outheals… for me it’s time to throw in the towel until bliz decides to actually fix the class.

Nerfs is not something a disc priest needs right now but Bliz neither reads this stuff or cares about how the player base feels much less take any input seriously.

Note that none of this was discussed with the playerbase this far, in fact nothing was discussed with the player base regard any of the changes, to make it even worse all this happens after Blizzard acknowledges that their communication have been lacking and they need to step it up.
I just dont see how an entire month of complete silence is helpful to their already damaged image, and how much people (including myself) have already unsubbed and ran out of it.

For some reason, despite being unsubbed and without game time, I can still post

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The trinity change is good, however it is not enough. It is a net buff. It’s also annoying that it only works in 3’s, or in 2’s with a pet class.

I am holding onto hope that the PW:S buff is actually coming, as per the dev’s tweets. It’s our only hope.

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I think at this point we can all assume he straight up lied

I feel this on a personal level… please blizzard don’t kill my spec. Disc has been the most fun healing spec I’ve ever played and now it’s not only not playable but just down right not gonna be fun. I’m just gonna see a rogue or war automatically die

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The “lie tweet” if anyone wants to pay mr CK a visit:

It may still happen. Data being pushed doesn’t seem to matter considering they also said certain moves are being removed from the GCD, but currently that hasn’t changed. And frankly a PvP-specific buff is “hotfixable”. There is hope.

They really need to revert the damn Focused Will nerf…

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disc has been OP since the bfa pre patch and to this day where they can walk around 1v5 and barely care. Disc priests had their time in the sun and now must suffer the inevitable outcome of getting nerfed. Which is about damn time.


What did I just read…

Guy 1: Disc isn’t op, not #1 damage. :rofl::thinking::roll_eyes:

I hope he was kidding.

Disc is the #1 represented spec at high ratings… not sure if you were aware. :mag::mag::mag:

3000+ rating

  1. Disc priest 25
  2. Holy Paladin 16
  3. Rshaman 14
  4. Mistweaver 5
  5. Resto Druid 2

source : arenamate

maybe… this… is where they are getting the information.

An objective measurement of which healers are doing well at high ratings? Maybe…

Look at my above quotes, and tell me if you see why it might be a bad idea to let the playerbase have a say.

Maybe minimum 5x glad and 2700+ experience should be the requirements to post in a feedback forum. :face_with_monocle:

Guy 2: doesn’t play, wants changes to be discussed with playerbase.

let me translate “QQ I cant kill a disc 1v1”