Finally exalted with AV. Over the last two weeks, I had 3 wins and 75 losses. It’s around 4% win rate. Not sure if it is better or worse than average.
The only three wins the PUG took the same strategy. We wiped horde in SHGY. Then at least 30 ppl stack on one person and then charge together to IBGY. On our way to IBGY we try the best to avoid any interception. Around 20 alliance made it to IBGY and were able to cap it. After that it was the most stressful 5 min to hold IBGY. Melee didn’t extend to IB or TP tower and only fight hordes close enough. Ranged dps stood on hill and shot. Died person didn’t release and healers res them. Healers took every chance to drink. It was all because of the crazy push backs from the horde starting cave. We could not affort any lose when cap because our GY was so far away in SP and horde was only two steps away in their starting cave. After capping IBGY then we slowly move to IB and TP, then rush to RH. Everytime capping and defending IBGY, I can see as if Doctor Strange showing his point finger to me. One in 4 million.
Not trying is a recipe for failure.
Just brings up your wait time, lots of people to gank in the world instead.
Um, OK, and?
This 100% backs up everything I said about the Alliance and why the Horde Q’s are so long.
PVE oriented Alliance players attend AV for loot, not PVP.
This is why PVP community balance is so very important.
Your troll attempt is immediately blocked by my experience in vanilla when we’d be lucky with 1 AV pop a day (prior to crbgs), and even then it was a good chance that it was an in progress AV.
Troll harder.
Gotta wonder what they are going to do with that gear now that they are not playing AV (if they even PVP’d there)
What a terrible server you must of played on.
My server had a few av’s going all day, although you could leave it in the morning and pick up the same av the next day.
Sounds about right. Working as intended.
PVE with it… Donjulo is a darn good ring, and the offhand’s are nice for casters and healers.
At least that’s what most of the players I know Alliance side did, in the first week of AV they all went full “Goals” and got the loot for PVE use.
Horde players had to wait a lil longer tho… As you’re aware.
I never said there were not AVs “going”. Only that they were not measured in tens of minutes, but rather hours. And those playing them were loathe to leave, thus opening up a slot for someone in queue to “pop”.
Ques not popping did not mean AVs not being run.
1 av que pop a day, yeah man so many Avs going.
This post is passive aggressive inflammatory. Can we get gear from a pvp source since it’s an upgrade? What we do with it is no concern. Maybe we just want a gear upgrade.
Mr. LevelTen,
Can you be real for a minute? Do you think after 90% of players get their rank 10 set they will still queue as often?
Have you seen ANY HWL/GM in AV?
Everybody doing PvP is motivated by gear right now. Don’t be so ignorant, and post on your level 60 Horde please.
Exactly. Horde become so offended when you point out their clear advantages with Hardiness and WOTF, but why is every PvP server so populated with Horde? Because they have clear PvP advantages that are easy to communicate to the player base via YouTube and online guides.
Yeah, PvP isn’t the entire game - but it’s a HUGE part. People WILL leave over this. Just buff the alliance racials or nerf Hardiness and WOTF. Horde are already waaaaaaay more represented than Alliance. This isn’t a difficult analysis.
Everyone doing AV is motivated by gear. WSG is the PvP BG, and it’s where the best PvPers go now.
Worth it for people who hate AV though? People are in AV for hours and hours and hours, who hate it, to get some marginal loot. Smh.
Thanks for sharing your experience of winning. Maybe that will inspire at least a few alliance to stop Eeyoring and start trying.
It’s why a lot of people went ally when every man for himself became a thing.
ItS nOt BEcAUse of RaciALs
It wont. We have too many PvE scrubs looking for a TuF for thier ret pally so they can dps in MC.