76 Residuum for a 14 key. 675 for a 385 piece

Indeed…? Lacking a bit of context though and using a pinch of hyperbole. Lets break this down.

76 Residuum for a 14 key. 675 for a 385 piece

You are kinda leaving out a lot of details. 675 for a SPECIFIC 385 piece, you can get a random 385 (slot specific) for 165 Residue. So your statement of–

Is inaccurate in a broad sense, and for multiple reasons.

First, you are spinning this situation as if any 385 piece is crazy expensive and will take around 9 weeks to acquire even though its only specific pieces that cost a premium and Blizzard had stated that well in advance.

Second, you word this post as if the ONLY source of residue is from caches and that wont be collecting any from disenchanting/salvaging. That could honestly be seen as the absolute bare minimum effort. If you are putting forth the bare minimum effort then of course its going to take longer.

Getting a random, but targeted by slot, 385 piece is only 165 residue. If you are aiming for a very specific piece then of course its going to take more time to earn. Getting just a 385 however is going to be a pretty quick process.

While I do not know exactly how much residue you get fir DEing or Salvaging (seeing a lot of people mentioning that 340’s are 1 and 370’s are 12), I bet its entirely possible for someone who puts in the effort to almost get one piece a week and a specific piece every ~4-5 weeks. Remembering that specific pieces are a premium for convenience.

You wish the new forums gave you an easier way to be a defamatory troll?

EDIT: So, I found the chart of how much you get from pieces. I would like to fix my earlier statement of possibly being able to get 1 piece at 165 a week and say that its less likely than I thought now that I see the actual numbers. Still, its entirely possible for the average player to get one every 2 weeks and a specific piece every 5-6.

Here is the Residue Chart from Disenchanting/Salvaging for everyone who wants to see it.


I’m well aware that 340s only grant one Residuum. I’m just saying that the people who think this will take 9 weeks are only factoring in one source for gear.

The biggest priority is the M+ cache.
Second will be M+ end of boss caches (guaranteed drops, farmable)
Third will be scrapping LFR, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic Uldir.
Fourth will be emissaries & weekly quests
Fifth will be the 2 Warfronts / Rares from each zone
Sixth (allthough I dont’ recommend this) is you could probably scrap 355+ crafted gear for residuum.

Pretty sure there are still more I’m not even thinking of.

sure, off a boe crafting item so agian, we are left up to the mercy of RNG to get this. Something again we cant actually grind out. we have to scrap and hope we get cores which again is a moot points because its awarding 3 dust, WOOOOOO

Last I checked they didnt add azerite to the loot table un-less I missed some massive blue post

370 only gives 10? So let’s say you manage to scrap 2 a week. I never have azerite drop for myself always traded in raids. It would still take about 8 to 9 weeks per specific slot. That’s 2 months per azerite. You won’t even manage 3 before a tier is over. What in the actual hell.


I don’t think you know what significant means if you think 9 weeks is a huge chunk of time for a raid tier, specifically mythic quality. (it’s not)

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It really kills people who don’t raid, and even if you do, ugh that’s a long as time regardless since you MIGHT get 1-2 a week to scrap from raiding. It’s just a horrible system that needs some adjustments (and no, you don’t get any from the end chest)

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How are you coming up with 100+ extra a week? if you manage ONE piece from heroic and get 2 pieces from world quests your talking 30?

And why would I random roll when tank specific pieces have over 600+ armor in the traits? It might be 385 but I’ll be missing 600 armor and a ton of other crap like I currently am making a 340 just as good as a 385 with out the correct traits


And then they turn around a nerf the trait you were farming for and that 9 weeks was wasted.


This was on the blue post the other day. Not sure if they’ve changed it since then. But I can confirm they at least stated it publicly.

And now you understand the failure of this system. Imagine doing all that effort for a 385 only to have the traits nerfed. What a waste of effort.


[quote=“Stabalicious-draenor, post:33, topic:44121, full:true”]
That’s 9 weeks if you solely rely on the weekly chest… mythic + end of run caches [/quote]

Unless they changed something in the last…week or so, I dunno, this is false. Weekly cache and scrapping azerite gear are supposed to be the only sources.

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When you scrap azerite armour, is it going to be RNG whether or not you get residuum? (I think that’s how it’s spelled)

If that. My other toon no joke was going on 2 months of clearing normal and heroic with no azerite dropping. It was not until other people had theirs I got it traded.

You’ll the currency but the amount can vary within a certain bracket of the quality of gear.

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Personal loot is fun isn’t it? lol

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21 for my 8 key :confused:
they just keep finding ways to screw us, i swear when they removed their xmas bonuses, the dev team went AWOL @ blizz …

ding ding ding, we have the winner.

The issue is Blizz is making it longer and longer for gearing, in an attempt to make people increase their time metric in an unfun game currently. Instead they should make the game fun as all heck, like Pre WOD. Players would then play in BIS gear for long periods of time, making the metric they need for investors. Now instead players are burnt out, and leaving.

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Define “a few”.

How long should you have to work to get a specific piece of 385 gear?

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