750k dmg Infinite Stars in Arena

Literally because of bubble.


Pvp is a joke. Pvp rating people get in bfa are stained by corruptions and the massive disparity in balancing. We need a pvp director. I am tired of seeing this nonsense.


Yeah true that

I’m just surprised people keep sticking it out.


That looks fun, lol

He was running 675 corruption. Had the other team so much as sneezed on him it would have been over.

I like to think that corruption is a joke put in place so that people can further enjoy the beginning of Shadowlands. It’s the “lets go out with a bang” kind of situation. It also makes Blizzard look good, to “save” the people from corruption and introduce a new, exciting expansion. Thing is, we may be walking into an even worse situation with the covenants and the talent trees, etc.

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Laughed at the ending bits when the stars keep killing the DK’s pets.

What the hell blizzard? Disable corruptions in PVP please.
God christ!

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thats why i dont pvp in bfa any more im just catching all my alts up in some decent gear for shadowlands then im out for sl launch.

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Thanks for the heads up. now everyone else shall follow suit. ;D

what op doesn’t mention is that in order to do it, they needed to run OBSCENE levels of corruption and ended up loosing a bunch due to getting 1 shot by basically anything that looked at him funny.

its clever manipulation of game mechanics, and kinda cool that he managed it, but hardly says anything about the overall state of arenas (and if pally’s DO start trying to make this a meta, we will just adapt to it and pally’s will start getting primaried)

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You can blame the player base for that. If there were less complaining and more participation, it’d be a different story.

I think all players should at least try out a bg or two before they decide they’re against pvp.

It’s more interesting than pve, esp. at end game.

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I wouldn’t say “no skill”, not at all. He’s skilled and it’s hilarious what he’s doing.

You crazy? PvP is lucky to get a new arena every other expansion and a new BG every third…


It doesn’t matter either way and it’s still needs to be nerfed in PVP.

Not that PvP doesn’t need more love, but they have been adding 2 arena maps per expansion for basically ever.

Legion had a new BG (late Legion, themed for BfA)

WoD had Ashran

MoP had 3 new BGs.

Cata had 2 BGs and Tol Borad

Wrath had 2 BGs and Wintersgrasp

Yeah corruptions broke PVP, we know. Its 0% skill 100% corrupt procs to win now.

It was dumb in Vanilla with tier gear and it’s only grown dumber and dumber since, with brief interludes of about-as-dumb.

Arenas are like a wwe match if they allow corruption and essences.

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