7 years ago today

Depending on where you live, sure. But that’s not really the case globally.

There was, the start of polarizing politics in the US was happening. There was also the election of a… certain person I can’t name but had orange skin and yellow hair that made 24/7 news a living hell to watch. It also ruined social media as anything that strayed from the norm would be censored or shadowbanned. Lots of other things too.

No sarcasm at all, for me personally both 2016/2017 were good years, happy times back then

Looking at the bigger picture I bet if you asked a random person off the street “would you rather be living in 2017 or right now?” I bet most would say 2017, life was much better back then even just in terms of cost of living/economics - it’s not even a close comparison

One of my buddies scooped up a used 2009 SUV for like $3500 in 2017, there was some absolute steals back when the used car market was still healthy. Same exact truck now is selling for like $7000+ in the inflated post-2020 market

And that’s just one example, basically everything was cheaper/better

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To me, 2010 and prior were the good years, but i digress.

I guess that’s one way of looking at it.

Luke 8:30. 'Twas no accident!

It would have been over 5 years since a world’s first record was made. I myself was legionary in my ganking of the Alliance. Elwind-Icecrown, as we can see, was my 2,500th. He thought it was funny before he realized that being a 110 Druid wasn’t enough to save him.

It was bumping back then for WPvP as Legion was when SW City first became xrealm. Before the dark times, before the Empire.

This was right before things would really start getting nasty for Hunters and RDPS, but it was in that moment of 6/17/18 that I earned distinction in the class and among PvPers. If I can get any witnesses to say otherwise, this has never been done before in the entire world, or if some Chinese or European did it first before me, it has never been done before in the North American region.

Blizzard never congratulated nor rewarded me in any special way for this, however. I didn’t get anything exclusive. It would have been cool if Blizzard gave my character his own NPC in the game. I didn’t get any recognition at the following Blizzcon either. None of Blizzard’s PR folk got in touch with me. It’s too bad because this happened during Legion’s cycle.

I figured I’d post this screenshot because this should have been juxtaposed for Legion history. I do have to thank Blizzard for making the class/spec this good to where you can pull off a stunt like this, but it was bad in those days. I’m glad the Borrowed Power Era is over, but I think I can change my mind about playing Legion again on Classic in the future.

h ttps://imgur.com/a/hKSZUA5

I forget — was Legion the pre-patch where we got the Rain of Naked People?