7 years ago today

You dont like it?

Can we please get Blessing of An’She’s solar form for druids back as a glyph.


Towelliee has always been my favorite streamer I’ve had his stream on my 2nd screen for every launch since WoD. I even won my Legion Beta key in his stream.

I also enjoyed watching Slootbag and was a little bummed hearing about his retirement from high end raiding and WoW. I’ll miss his custom WA UI.

As for other streamers Asmongold I can’t stand but some of the ones I do enjoy watching are…

Hazel (of course) She’s one of the nicest content creators in WoW.
Cruelladk (even though I don’t speak French)

Pretty much the same, his launch “marathons” provide a steady background noise

For expansion launches I like that he doesn’t have any music playing in the background, his style is just game sounds + his random commentary… which is perfect for a new expansion launch

Once the launch hype settles down, background music is fine, but during a launch you want the full immersion with being able to hear the main NPCs and cinematics/no distracting background music playing

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Sergent Pepper taught the band to play


On this day 7 years ago, I just arrived at Ali Al Salem Airbase in Kuwait for a 6 month deployment.

So yeah, kinda missed Legion, but also hadn’t played since MoP anyways.


such a weird movie

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Nevermind the release. The Legion Invasion pre-patch was top-notch. So nostalgic.


Enjoyed Legion. Great open world content. Invasions were so much better than the rubbish they served the playerbase in Shadowfail, and DFlop


I did some keys with him in BFA. Was awesome.


It was mostly eating Subway and watching Attack on Titan :person_shrugging:

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Well you did have to endure the desert. :laughing:

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7 years ago… Dang…
I remember that first day, charging into the Broken Shore… The Day Varian and Vol’jin died…
I charged right at Gul’Dan, right as the demon army charged and all faded to black! I’ll never forget that!
Wait… Varian and Vol’jin have been dead for seven years… wow! wow…

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I xp froze a warlock and went about ganking max level characters in wpvp. All the while listening to Lore make excuses for why scaling was so cool to be able to level in any zone.

Lore never apologized for defending scaling. It’s all downhill from there.

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Ugh level scaling. Imo one of the great BAD decisions blizzard made.

So glad I stayed for every second of Legion. Never had so much fun in WoW. The pre patch event on Moon Guard was wild, dreadlords murdering groups of RP groups and us banding together to kill them was hilarious. Broken Shore was just sheer brutality, and made me so excited to experience the story and get back at Gul’dan. Exploring the different artifact questlines on alts made me feel I had a bottomless pit of substantial interesting content to experience. Mythic plus finally arrived, breathing new life into dungeons. The PVP prestige system actually got me into PVP again because I wanted to see all the rewards, especially the courser mounts and the new brawls.

Suramar was a welcome surprise, as I never expected a detailed campaign in the likes of WoW. One that involved a deeply intricate narrative that had puzzle style quests, sneaking around in a city like Assassin’s Creed or something, political intrigue etc. The biggest downside of Legion was the legendaries but dear god, it really felt like they went all out to give us the best experience ever after WoD. There was so much passion in that entire expansion.

I loved Legion, the class hall stuff was fantastic to me after years and years of wishing we had more class specific things to do and class trainers had become useless.

My alliance main was this guy and my horde main quickly became my new DH, and it was so much fun doing parkour around and over things with the double jump. Had so much fun that xpac, and everything I liked to do I was able to and enjoyed.

I don’t talk about WoW on FB though, no one I know plays the game, or at least doesn’t talk about it.


I hope this is Sarcasm.

First year and a half of Legion was miserable

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