7 years ago today

It was the eve of the release of WoW Legion.

Facebook memories lol.


I remember it like it was yesterday :drooling_face::ok_hand:

I remember I was out getting new tires on my Jeep that morning, after that was done I stopped by the nearby Walmart to buy some cheap gamer-food for the night… I think it was one of those take-home pizzas, some sour Skittles, and a few other items I don’t remember

It was a warm day, but not too hot, sunny/clear skies

Got home, popped the pizza in the oven, then hunkered down and fired up twitch to await the official launch… which (surprisingly) turned out to be buttery-smooth/no major hiccups/no queues/etc


i got screenshots from when the throne room in stormrage was filled with people waiting for server shutdown

also a bunch of prepatch invasions i thought i was a great photographer


Oof 7 years? Yikes gettin old


i’d go back to that time if possible.


Same same

2016/2017 were both very chill, calm years with no major drama or craziness in the world, I would accept a one-way trip back there in a heartbeat :100:


Just give me Legion with targetable Legiondaries and class wide artifact power and it’s a perfect expansion.

I’d still take it over DF, God I miss it.


Take me BACK!


Great times indeed!

Loved Legion!



My all time favorite expansion. :smiley:

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now we’re here in dragonflop. yay

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Me too.

I miss Legion.


Yea the day wow tumbled downhill and never recovered

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No this would be that day.


Has it been that long? I had to buy a new computer because if it, my old one fit the spec, but barely and it was like running the game on a toaster. I can’t believe I have had my ‘new’ computer for 7 years.

I love Legion though, Chromie time through Legion for a leveling win.

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Shadowlands really was the worst rock-bottom even just judging by 3rd party/anecdotal stuff like twitch streamer activity-levels and viewer-counts

Never saw so many of the regular streamers I watch either drop off/quit completely or swap to other games like I witnessed happen during SL

Just off the top of my head:

  • Asmongold basically became full-time variety streamer/playing non-WoW games
  • Towelliee basically swapped to other games/became a variety streamer
  • Slootbag basically swapped to other games, only streams WoW during RWF
  • Stoopz quit WoW entirely and swapped to other games
  • FinalBossTV quit entirely
  • various other small-ish/mom-n-pop streamers I like to watch dropped off/quit entirely (rip Nihillo my favorite Druid streamer :sob:)

And the list goes on and on/this is just a small handful of examples

I remember even during WoD the WoW section on twitch was still fairly active even despite the content drought. I remember Asmongold would pass the time with garrison “contests” and doing random arena shenanigans throughout the day

As a side-note on these forums, I can’t help but notice that the “Battlegrounds” board on here basically dried up/became a ghost-town during Shadowlands. Seems like it’s just mostly complain threads about premades nowadays, it’s a noticeable difference from BFA when there was actually, you know, random discussion threads about battlegrounds :joy:

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Wow time flies. I really did like Legion prepatch with the Demon invasions. It was fun. Ah the memories.


Oh that makes me feel so happy, I remembered the release of legion, I was sitting alone in the middle of the night and I sent my hunter to Val’Sharah and my friends’ dog that I was doggysitting pooped on the floor and I afked to clean it up. And then I tried to run an old mist of pandaria raid, the one with the money room and vault in the middle of the four corners.

But it was a happy night nonetheless, and so was the DF launch. Seven years from the launch of DF I hope I’m still alive & cackling, and will remember it fondly :smiley: