7 Months from Community Council...Did it miss the mark?

Yes that’s what you want to make us believe :thinfoil hat:
xd But yea wouldn’t surprise me anyway

Haha have you ever seen the hunter discords about them.

It’s like the MVP program. Its tied to 1 character rather than an account. Some folks stuck to their current main. Some stuck to an existing forum alt. Some made an alt specifically for the CC.

Posting from a “main” doesn’t really mean anything if you swap mains every 2 months, or only do queued content, or are making a post about pet battles.

The Community Council has done exactly what it set out to do. Create a closed (at least to those posting) environment where Blizzard developers can respond to feedback. They’ve shown far more engagement with the community there than they’ve shown anywhere else.

Some people got it in their heads that every thread would be responded to, or that every major concern would get an immediate reply. That was never promised, nor should it have been an expectation and in a few months time the members of the community council will rotate out and new ones will be selected (they change every year).

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What’s the community council?


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No but I do remember they used to have dedicated devs for each class. From what ive heard from leaks, class design is handled by 1 or 2 people for everything. It wouldn’t kill them to get critical feedback from respective community council members if they’re so understaffed, it’s apparent from shadowlands class design and balancing that they need more hands on deck.

Why not . We have Plate and Leather why not mail .

Enhance would be a good fit since they can use shields and were known to off tank back in the earlier days of the franchise.

No you misunderstand me. Enhance stays. A new spec for tanking shaman.

Think about the 4 elements.
Water - Resto
Fire - Ele
Air - Enh
Earth - ?? Shaman Tanks :smiley:


They just need to hire more class devs with the money they make it’s obvious the couple they got are overworked and probably underpaid.

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Agreed, I thank Maizou for their invaluable help. By that I don’t mean to underestimate the other CC’s work - they’re doing a great job as well and I’m ever so grateful, but it just so happens that Maizou is actively and consistently bringing up those topics that actually interest me.

I mean, the fact that there are forum users on Twitter (because apparently they aren’t brave enough to do it here) disparaging Maizou’s contributions as a CC is evidence enough of their good work. :+1:t3:

Actually I believe it has always only been around usually 2 devs working on the classes since the game began .

The dev for every class is more of a player created urban myth , because that is what players want to believe.

Long as you can still be enhance if not new spec.

Which are represented by Elemental Shamans .

nah they’re represented by the Avatar. (Okay taking the door)


community council members don’t matter, let’s be real




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Ronalio has a point with elemental using all elements, I was expecting Warlock Tank since during MoP, Locks had the dark apotheosis transformation but well DHs stole our hope for cloth tank

The problem with wanting more tanks, is that it force tanks to make more alts. As there is only a few players in any content format playing tanks, they’re expected to be able to switch around more.

Oh yeah, those guys. I forgot CC existed.

I love that idea. Ele keeps lightning and some frost.

Enhance becomes completely based on wind and gets double windfury finally. I’d love that.

And an earth based tank would be even better.