7 mage tower challenges for a mount

It’s obviously not meant to be an achievement you get on the first Legion timewalking cycle. I’m more upset that timewalking isn’t permanent than the achievement after experiencing how Square handles legacy content in FFXIV. Blizzard could learn a few things there.

you know timewalking doesn’t disappear for 2 weeks right? It’ll be on rotation and will still be available for the next xpac

It will be around each TW week.

Force is a word this community doesn’t seem to know the definition of

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Considering its timewalking we will be scaled more than likely. If it works like the dungeons do anyhow.

Only the bear is worth waiting multiple weeks to keep trying on, the rest are just crappy recolors and will be forgotten after the first two weeks.

Sounds good, it’s better than RNG.

Does someone have a gun to your head making you farm that mount lol

Im doubting this part at least, because the Legion M+ is also being released, but it will be content that requires max level characters to do. They’re just releasing all this content back to players to enjoy at the current level and status, which I’m all for.

It doesn’t specifically state that though, it could become a permanent thing period and just because it is opening they are giving 2 weeks TW as a reward. It could simply be a time limit event like the old one, until they clarify I would not trust them as far as I can throw them.

If you don’t want the community to be looking out for the community than you are a part of the problem why some people are helping this game go down the toilet.

Stopped there. No one is forcing anyone.

I voted for the spelltome instead of that stupid tree y’all wanted. And now here we are.

But no one is forced to do anything.

It’s not. The blue post was pretty clear.

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Its 2w the first rotation and in the usual 1w rot after

lol wtf do you actually think this is a limited 2weeks only thing? no, mage tower is accessible with EVERY legion timewalking. you literally get it a year later if you wish.


Like punishment and rape.

Is that mount rare ? I got it on my first ever tw dungeon , I just assumed it was a 100 percent drop on first completion of a tw dungeon…

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Oh for goodness’ sake. No one is being forced. That’s like complaining you’re “forced” to do mythic raids in order to get mythic raid gear. They just put stuff in the game and say, “Here is how you get it.” Then it’s up to you to decide if you want to put in the effort.

If you get jealous because someone has more 1’s and 0’s than you, step away from your computer.

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That’s why it’s worth the achievement. In that it takes effort to achieve.

They did say we can do it “repeatedly”. Let’s hope it doesn’t take any form of entry fee so scrubs like me can take my time and slowly gitgud.