Is this a fair thing to do? I just don’t think it’s fair to force people to make or level alts for a mount that is going to be potentially around just for 2 weeks. Maybe they will make it a TW thing for every Legion TW, hopefully, but for now we have 2 weeks to get this and some people I know have one character, that limits them to at best 4 if they are a druid and 3 for everything else.
FYI - I have 1 of each class and have raided with them all in BFA, I don’t think I will have an issue doing this, but some people don’t even have the personal to even attempt it.
I hope it is and they will allow people to farm it over time, but if it is not, than we have one chance and given the nature of the MT, I think it may be a one chance thing.
I do have a question about the return of the mage tower, since I want to collect all the class sets and several of the classes I want to do them on never went through Legion. Will it cost 100 Nethershards per attempt like it originally did in Legion?
My only issue is they WON’T CLARIFY if we have to do it on 7 separate characters. The wording suggests we do, but why would we have to if 3/4 characters can do all 7 challenges between them?
If it HAS to be 7 characters? That’s messed up. Shadowlands has been VERY alt-unfriendly to the point most people aren’t playing them.