6/8N Veteran tank looking for possible new home or raid team

Hello there,
I’m currently a Main tank who is looking for a possible new raiding home. I was a main tank for my guilds mythic team but stepped down last season to go to the Heroic team and they are stuck in Normal at the moment. I am already full champ/heroic gear and feel I won’t have anything to go for if I stay with this team and so I am looking for a team that does Heroic/Mythic raiding. I already have a VDH and BDK at 604/601 and both are crushing t8’s in Delves so they are full or real close to full champ gear. I am an old Cutting edge raider and left heavy raiding back in Legion. I came back about 6 months ago and ended up hitting about 4/9m on the 3 raids from last tier by the end.

I play a lot of wow, probably 40-60 hours a week and am looking for a 2-day guild. I love my guild and have been with them since season 3 last season. I don’t want to leave my guild but am not very satisfied in the Raiding department.

I play on an Eastern schedule.

Hello, Always good to find a raid comp and team you like.
Feel free to check out my post we are primarily focused on AoTC but will possibly dabble into mythic. We are one day a week Sunday 7PM-10PM MTN

I am not looking to leapfrog progression here, I made a stupid decision and ended up in a raid team that is far below my ability. This has made it, so I am not excited about going to raid. I can easily pug 6/8n or even likely 4/8h but prefer to have a set group instead of 100% randos.

Hey Tim, we are looking for VDH tank for our raid team, if our times work for you I believe you would be very satisfied raiding with our guild.