[NA]AoTC Andy's 8/8N 2/8H one day a week Sun 7-10PM MTN

I am starting a new post as we now have some experience and logs under our belt, This team cleared all of normal and 2bosses in heroic with the bulk never having stepped foot in the raid. We are missing a few roles that I would like to fill out such as a warlock and possibly a healer/tank

We will be a one day a week guild raiding sundays at 7PM MTN for 3hrs or until heroic is cleared.

This guild is going to focus on getting AoTC at the start of every season. We will continue to run the raid every week until under 15 people sign up. Once that occurs we will put the core raid into hiatus until next season where we will start up again.

  1. What is the purpose of this style of play? Our core friend group likes to focus on mythic plus and swap to other games once the season dies down. However we still value clearing the content in a timely manner every season without pugging or guild hopping.
  2. What are the loot rules. We are doing free roles through all of normal. In heroic we will do a wishlist system. At the start of the tier/upon signing up you will send an officer your two bis trinkets. And your bis weapons. The wishlisted items will be looted by officers and the players on the wishlist will roll in chat and be awarded the item. Non trinkets and weapons will be free roll through the blizzard in game system, There will be advisory to be kind and considerate of other raid members. I.E if you’re going to catalyst a piece and another member would wear that piece as non catalyst it should be passed but there is no hard rule for this. Also no loot sharing if you are caught trading gear you won to another player without officer approval you will not be invited back

Why did you only get 2/8h, from everything I’ve seen and talked to in my guild if you clear the 2nd boss the next two are almost gimmies.

Your raid team seems great, and this would be something I would be looking at except for the fact that your raid times are just too late for me. I cannot go to bed after midnight on a Sunday as I work an 9-5 job and have to get up too early.

This was a single 3hour block of time. So I taught the group the entirety of the raid and cleared through normal, Then we killed the first 2 of heroic in the last ~30min or so.

Not a problem timezones and timing is always important in a group.

getting all that progress in a single block of time is very impressive.

I’d be interested in playing on your team. I’ve been out of the raid scene since early Legion but have been playing M+ regularly and was looking to get into a casual raid guild that aligns with my off days. With this expansion I’m currently Maining Resto shaman and alting a Holy/ret paladin both are 602 item level currently. I’ve got about 500 days of play time between these two characters.
Feel free to reach out to me! Bnet: Juxa#11678 Discord: Juxa.

Hey I like what you’re putting down. I’m an experienced raider maining BM/WW monk and I’d be coming with a good friend of mine who’s also an experienced raider maining Frost DK. Send me an invite if that works with your group Gwas#1906