6/8M Nerub-ar {Grime Squad} LFM for CE Push - Wed/Thurs 8-11 EST

Looking for DPS as we go into Mythic week! Bump.

Give me a shout :smiley:

Bumpity bump bump, still looking!

still looking! Interested in having a mage trial with us tonight!

Looking for some ranged DPS and a priest :smiley:

we be blastin

we want more friends :slight_smile:

hi 269 mage want a place fun and peace
battleid lelelel#1513
can raid

BDK tank lads and ranged send me a discord :smiley:

Bumpity bump where the BDKS at :smiley:

bump still looking!

Still looking, bump!

260 MM hunter LF guild

Looking for a tank trial this week, BDK preferred but open to anyone with exp and comms.

Looking for a ranged DPS trial for this week! Give me a shout.

Could use a ranged DPS trial for tonight :smiley:

Still looking for some ranged friends

i added you for trial

Looking for a trial to join us in heroic tomorrow (optional night) and/or Mythic on Wednesday!

Looking for a mythic trial on Illidan tonight! Send pelow or me a discord message :smiley: (main post for contact info)