6/8M Nerub-ar {Grime Squad} LFM for CE Push - Wed/Thurs 8-11 EST

Grime Squad is currently looking for more people for our mythic team. Looking to round out the progression roster for the CE push in 11.0! Laid back atmosphere with top banter.

6/8M Nerub-ar
CE in Abberus

Looking for:
1 warlock or druid, but exceptional dps should still apply

Perfect attendance isn’t necessary, but being able to communicate your schedule is!

Grime Squad is on Illidan and raids on Wednesday/Thursday from 8-11 PM EST (7-10 PM Server).

Reach out to our recruiter, Pelow, on Discord: pelow

bring on the BIG BOY DPS

Bump with 4/10 progress. Inerva dead, moving onto Sun King and Xy’mox.

5/10 progress bump wow we’re the best

Big ol’ 6/10 Bump.

still looking for dps!

I’m new to wow(started playing in September) and I’m willing to trial for your raid team if you’ll have me. My parses are not great but I haven’t gotten as many reps as I would like. My dps goes up every time I fight a boss again. MM hunter NF. I’m perfectly ok with riding the bench and heroic clearing before I get a chance at mythic

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still looking for more!@

bump, looking for more :slight_smile:

bumperino! need some lads

Bump in real good

Bump! Chill group

Still looking for 1 more DPS and 1 more healer to round out the roster :slight_smile:


229 Arms warrior here looking for raid group.

ZekeNL #6519 on Disc if you want to chat

Make great friends and kill bosses, sounds awesome :slight_smile:

bump and join in on the funnnn

Need a strong healer as we prog through ner’zhul and soulrender :slight_smile:

bump best raid and guild atmosphere youll ever have (:

Still looking for 1 heal and 1 dps :smiley:

Looking for that sweet boomie love as we wrap up Soulrender and begin Painsmith prog.