6/8M Nerub-ar {Grime Squad} LFM for CE Push - Wed/Thurs 8-11 EST

need a dps still!

Hey there,
Frost mage & WW / Ret returning to game after 2month hiatus. We’re currently looking for a mythic raiding guild preferably raiding on Tuesday and Thursday or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8-11 or 7-10pm EST. We are both former cutting edge mythic raiders with tiers of experience in raids and mythic plus. Logs are available upon request from this raid tier and previous tier if need. Current progression in SoD is 2/10mythic and 6/10 Castle.

If interested give me a shout through battle tag Kinetix#11410 or on discord Kinetix#4167

come join us as we prog painsmith (:

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Still looking for more :smiley:

Need one more person!

Lets get CE

Still looking! Bump!

Still looking for a strong DPS!

bumperino still need a person to join the squad!

hello bump

Bump it up in here, time to down the Banshee QUEEN

Try this again on the right toon. Bumping time

Still looking for that special somebody :).

bumperton. Reach out if you’re interested!

Trial with us this week! :smiley:

Looking for someone to trial with us tomorrow night!

Bump for 9.2 CE push!

Bump! Looking for DPS, give us a shout!

Give us a shout… looking for more!