I trasnfered to A-52 during S4. The guild just didnt work out and now im having a hard time finding a guild moving forward. Figured I’d try making a post on my former home. Currently ele but can play all 3 specs at a high level. Pugged 2.1k io and at around 397 ilvl with 3 tier items right now. I am looking for a guild that can at least do more content then I’m pugging.
Still in need of a guild!
Any weekday guilds recruiting??
Any mythic guild need a shaman??
We raid fri/sat 5-9 PST if that fits your schedule. Looking for ranged dps and offspec heals. Look up Destiny Cloudfist or message me in game if you are interested.
Good morning,
Not sure if you would be happy with an AoTC focused guild. but i am the raid lead for EverStorm-Thrall and we are currently 6/8H. Raid is Fri/Mon 9:30-11:30 EST. You can reach me via discord/Bnet.
Discord: Zeph#2257
Bnet: Zeph#12147
Hey Wild, I think we would be a good fit. Take a look at our spam and let us know!