644 Spriest LF AOTC guild

Hi all.

Id like to join an AOTC focused guild as that is what I enjoy most in the game, getting AOTC every tier.

Guilds active in m+ as well desired.

I have a long history of raiding but I’m fairly new to playing DPS so its a learning process for me, I will make mistakes but I will do my best to correct them!

I’m flexible with days and times but will tell you if something doesnt work out!

Hi there! might be a good fit for you! We’re 8/8 n 1/8 with AOTC in mind. We have more casual raids tues and fri and a more focused progression team on Saturday. All raids 8-11 EST.

We also have “mythic Mondays” where we tru to place you in a standing mythic + group that meets every monday to push your keys.

Would love to chat if interested! Feel free to reach out here, on battlenet at wideninggyre#11619, or on discord: wideninggyre. (the . at the end is part of the name, won’t work without it)

Trap was formed in 2014, and since then has been a dominant force in WoW ever since. A multi-raid team, PvE Gaming community with casual vibes. " Last Guild ull ever join Type Stuff." Pst for Info.
Hey there add me on btag and get with me about raid ops. undeadtrix#1275 We run 5 raid teams and rank top of our server. 10 year old guild with plenty to offer you.

undeadtrix#1275 get at me in game.

[Mythic] Wayward = 8-11pm/est Wed+Thur
[Mythic] Mechanix = 9-12am/est Fri+Sat
[Mythic Farm] Skill Deficit = 6-9pm/est Sunday
[AotC] Queenie = 4-7pm/est Wed+Fri
[AotC Casual] Trapstar = 6-9pm/est Sat+Mon

Hey Frogmilk!

Ralvin from here. Would love to chat. We are a laid back but serious Mythic progression group that is looking for just a few more dps to fill out our roster for season 2

We run raids Monday / Wednesdays
PST 6:30-9:30
CST 8:30-11:30
EST 9:30-12:30

We are a AOTC guild that has consistently cleared heroic and is progging mythic on a seasonal basis throughout Dragonflight and 11.0. We are a tight-knit team committed to helping each other gear up through questing and have a steady consistent nightly M+ group during primetime season.

You can check our progression on Wowprogress on Kil’Jaeden

Message me here or add me on discord if interested? @.ralvin

Heyo! I think we’d be a great for for you!

Who We Are:
Illuminaughty is a community focused on progressing in raid every tier and achieving CE. We are an Area 52-based guild that is recruiting more players and looking to progress mythic raiding and push for a CE achievement in The War Within on a more limited schedule.

We were formed in 2010 and have continued gaming together for many years. We are looking for more friends to join us daily in keys and raids.

We are interested in people who want to raid and progress deep into mythic and are up for a challenge.

Raiding Hours:

  • Tuesday: 9pm-12am Eastern
  • Thursday: 9pm-12am Eastern

Optional days are added as requested or with guild interest.

We do not extend our hours under any circumstances in an effort to respect everyone’s real-life schedules and commitments.

Aside from raiding, we also offer:

  • Active Community: Engage with fellow members through regular events and social
    activities on Discord.
  • Supportive Environment: Receive guidance and support from experienced players. We
    believe in helping each other succeed.
  • Voice & Text Chat: Stay connected with our Discord server, where you can chat, strategize, and have fun with guildmates. We are also looking for folks to push mythic + keys with. We have multiple players with 3k+ io who are always willing to push and play!

Contact Points

If interested in trialing, please contact the following individuals:

-Qwertio | Btag: Salad#11784 Discord: essalad

-Goots | Btag: Towelie#1420 Discord: benry5831

-Durzo | Btag: Subarcticbot#1615 Discord: subarcticboot

Hi there Frogmilk,

I’m recruiting for a guild named Assault. We’ve been earning AotC ever since our formation back in BFA and many of us have raided together since before then earning AotC, as well. Our raid times are Thurs/Fri evenings from 7:30-10p.m. PST (10:30p-1a EST). Check out our guild spam below to learn more about us - my BNet is at the end of the post if you are interested and want to reach out to chat further.


Hey there,

You may enjoy a guild like ours — small, close knit, but fun! I run this guild with my husband as my Co-GM. However, we are a Pacific Time based guild and it seems there is a shortage of guilds on that coast, but it does suit some MST/CST/EST players that work second shift, have spouse/kids to tend to, or simply are night owls. Currently we have roughly ~50 active members that make up roughly about ~170 characters (some are admitted altoholics!).

If raiding is what you’re looking for, we have a handful of spots available on our Mythic raiding team, Olympians — they would be running on TUE/THUR from 8 PM to 11 PM Pacific for Liberation of Undermine. Many of our folks from the Mythic team also run (on alts/main) our Heroic raiding team, Prophets — on WED/FRI from 8 PM to 11 PM Pacific. We also occasionally run an open PUG Normal raid on Sundays (Pacific Time). Right now we’re looking to start to build a healthy bench for these raid teams as well, which helps those with limited time to access that content on the occasion they are needed to fill spots.

Aside from raiding, we constantly run delves and dungeons and there are several M+ runners and M+ static teams in our guild to go through that journey. We are also a social guild and encourage everyone to participate in Discord (our guild chat isn’t as active admittedly, as is with most guilds) which is our main hub for all our events! We host things like Cards Against Humanity, Truth or Dare, Pictionary, or TV/Movie watch parties too! There is always a few folks sitting in Discord to chat with too (mostly afternoons and evenings of course cuz we’re adults and work!), but not so many that it overwhelms.

If any of this interest you, add me on BTAG at Danitsia#1308 or on Discord, join our TLP-WoW server: discord(dot)gg/HJDDS3E

Check us out at tlp-guild(dot)com or read our ad below:

<3 Dani

Big Facts is Recruiting!
About Us:
Big Facts is a returning guild that originally formed during Shadowlands. After a break, we’re making a comeback for Season 2 of The War Within and are looking for new and returning players to help rebuild our community.

We’ve already met some fantastic people on this journey, but we need more adventurers to fill our ranks! We understand that rebuilding a guild takes time, effort, and patience, and while there may be challenges along the way, we are committed to learning and growing together. If you’re willing to give us a shot, we’d love to have you on board!

Our current focus is Mythic+ dungeons, but we also aim to achieve AOTC (Ahead of the Curve) in raids, with potential for tackling a few Mythic bosses as we progress.

What We Offer:
A laid-back, welcoming community that supports both new and returning players
A drama-free, inclusive environment where everyone can enjoy the game
Dedicated members willing to help with Mythic+ dungeons, gearing, and mechanics

What We’re Looking For:
Healers – If you enjoy keeping the party alive, we need you!
Ranged DPS – Prefer to rain down destruction from afar? Join us!
Melee DPS- Smash the enemies into dust? We encourage it.
Dedicated, team-oriented players who want to grow with the guild
Mythic+ enthusiasts who want to push keys and improve together
Chill, patient players who enjoy progression and a friendly atmosphere

Raid Schedule:
Raid Nights: Friday & Saturday, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM PST
Primary Goal: AOTC (Ahead of the Curve)
Secondary Goal: Progress into Mythic bosses if numbers allow

How to Join:
If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to reach out!



Come be part of something great—Big Facts is back, and we want you with us!

Hey Frogmolk. If your still looking take a look at the link below.
Reach out if you would like to talk.

  • Discord: dlchamp | Battle.net: Braga#11240
  • Discord: vitanya | Battle.net: Kaeldar472#1318


Cupcakes and BDSM is currently searching for Players with Great VIbes!! Skills are great too but we can teach people how to play wow you just gotta have the right fun attitude! We would love to add some Tanks, melee DPS, and some strong healers to our core group. We want more folks that want to push keys and down bosses we raid Sat-Sun 9pm-12am. You gotta have thick skin and a love for fun with a tad bit of wanting to kill things to fiit it. Come be one of us we would love to see what flavor you are.

Reach out to awesomeismatt or alfaro1 on discord

come check us out