628 Shadow Priest LF Mythic Plus + Casual Raiding Guild

Hi guys, 628 Shadow priest here looking for a home. Currently 8/8H and 1/8M on a Resto Shaman - Have been enjoying the dps aspect of playing a shadow priest though and would like to find an active mythic + guild with potentially 1-2 nights a week of AoTC raiding.

I do not have any logs for raiding as a shadow priest currently - however am happy to discuss and link healing logs and previous dps logs for other toons

My shadow priest is Furiee - Barthilas for raider io purposes

Yes I am new to shadow - this is my first season putting any serious time into one.

For more info please shoot me a message in game Unmatchdfuri#1734 or in discord Fury_91

Thanks for your time reading my post

Hey mate,
You are welcome to join us in Valhalla! We have 16 raid teams in retail from CE to AOTC, and 28 teams including cata and SOD. Everyone is super friendly and chilled out. Plenty of M+ as well! Feel free to PM me on discord if you are interested, Varcoe_Valhalla

Hi Furiee,
We are a very active guild that focuses on both Mythic prog and AOTC raiding with 2 raid teams that both run the same day and time. We have lots of mythic plus pushers aswell.

Feel free to add me on discord or battle.net with the link above.

Hey there,

Take a look at us.

We are a small guild who raids one night a week. We also have a dedicated group of players keen for M+ on a daily basis. Feel free to reach out to me on discord blazy2396 for more information.