62 Threads 4 replies

Well when has blizzard ever really listened to us ? So it’s understandable people are skeptical.

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PTR has a lot of set bonus changes that are directly the result of feedback.

I haven’t bothered with Asmongold’s video, because the title alone is misleading as all hell. I just saw it pop up as a recommended video on YouTube and it’s titled “20% of the community council banned.” like, what? No.

Like seriously, that type of headline doesn’t help at all.

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Yeah, the title is bad but it was clarified to represent “20% of the CC posts”, which is still not right but uh…yeah.

Hell has frozen over. I’m agreeing with you.

20% would mean 2 of 10 or the equivalent.

One of 40 was removed (2.5%) if I did my math right. This is part of why people don’t trust streamers, even if they are entertaining.

At least he clarified some? Still, his whole take on the Council has been to use it for clicks with manufactured drama/false stories.


As much flak as people give Asmongold, I do find him to be rather objective when he isn’t in character. Sure, some subjective takes, but it’s not swinging a bat in the dark. In this interview, he really didn’t add anything. And from what I heard (listened to the whole VOD), it just affirms my suspicions that this person did something dumb and got burned by it.

This person wanted their 15min, and kinda admitted to doing something that I loathe → Turning themselves in a martyr … and all because they were kicked out, instead of propped up even higher by random players. The endgame to a private discord like this is that you crown yourself the Representative of All Players in your community. This is not what the CC should be, nor is it good for the community.

Note: Asmon’s titles are clickbait because of his editors, so I’ll always take it with a grain of salt. In this case, they should change the title.


First off, thank you for watching that to save the rest of us from doing so.

Second, “well, the new customization options for non-white characters are equivalent to the Hong Kong controversy” is basically “I’m not a racist but”. That statement alone is good enough reason to kick him out, but the larger reason is trying to pass his personal fan discord as “THE CC Discord”.

Third, I do agree that it was always about being the Main Character against the evil Blizz. Parrot the general hot takes to get street cred, a personal Discord to build a brand…Prosident always intended to crash and burn on the CC to be able jump as a marthyr to become another “wow bad” content creator. As seen by his inmediate reaction, to play victim on the forums and then go cry to Asmon.

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I mean, the bloke tried to harass me because I was critical of him on the forums here.

That’s why my profile is hidden. I hid it specifically to avoid people like him.


Him telling the truth makes him arrogant?

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What truth, lol?

His role was never to become a CM, he wrongly imposed that responsibility on himself. His idea backfired and he got burned for it. He won a (“crappy reward”) for his efforts.

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The idea that him and many other content creators have been doing Blizzard’s job for them. That’s the truth.


What flavor is that kool-aid?

Also: they shouldnt be working for free: Please apply.

off topic:

I’m glad to see your green text back mirasol!

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4head argument. GD never disappoints.

Like I have said , they should set up topics like they do for beta and ptr with the Blizz logo covering various topics along with threads made by player members .

THis will make it easier for replies as well as making it easier for the rest of us to view as well as make comments on the threads here in GD .

Just because we can’t post in the threads over there doesn’t mean we can’t comment about them in here .

not a great sign for 9.2

feel like it was have some small tweaks but come out with the same designs that have driven most of the players away

the system bloat in 9.2 is pretty ugly and almost all of the council feedback will result in loss of cash shop revenue

we’ll see if that value proposition makes it past the out of touch dev bosses

Please link me the responsibilities of the Community Managers and we can see which ones they aren’t doing.

If you aren’t going to offer anything, might I suggest you forward these streamers some new career opportunities via that link? :kissing_heart:

Which job? They are not CMs or Devs. They are arguably part of marketing and PR but that is an agreed on arrangement.

If you want to read the CM job description you can. I posted a recent one on the CC forum in a topic that had questions about the various roles of CMs, Mods, etc.

No, I don’t agree at all with the limited nature of Blizzard communications and never have. BUT, so far, CMs are not supposed to be entertainment personalities.

I have those and recently posted in CC.

See above link.

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It felt genuine, but I can’t stop thinking about how he referenced a CM by their real name numerous times. That really undermines things IMO and makes me feel like there was some sort of hidden agenda :\


Compile and relay meaningful feedback on the sentiment, suggestions, and concerns of the community

:angry: How dare they just lurk in these threads without contributing.