610 Enhance Sham LF Raiding Guild


20 Year WoW Veteran who has been travelling between the UK and Aus for the last 12 of it but finally settled here for the last couple years.

Have lead guilds through Mythic and CE previously but looking for a place to settle into and focus on my own performance rather than the whole.

I can play most classes at competitive level and currently have Shaman and Hunter at 80 but can swap to most classes if desperately needed.

I work shifts but i am my own boss so i can schedule around specific days. However i do have little ones so raid start time needs to be 8pm SVT or later.

I strive for guild progression, i relish the challenge of personal improvement and i understand the frustrations leadership can face so try to actively be as informed and prepared as possible. I have a mic, and will use it.

I’m no spring chicken but i’m not ancient either, part of the wow dad community that appears to be peaking currently and much prefer to sit down and have a mature conversation and some banter over key pushing than most other things available in game.

Currently only 9/9N and haven’t dabbled in heroic yet as i wasn’t certain i would enjoy the xpac as much as i have been. Ready to commit and push once more.

Any more questions feel free to reach out Tink#1985.

Look forward to hearing from you!

hey Krook!

Sent you a friend request on bnet but if you would like to check us out before chatting, our discord is just /secretagenda
