Eternal Sunshine - Cross Realm[A/H] - OCE: Recruiting for Raiding/Mythic+/Delves/PvP

Eternal Sunshine is a newly formed guild with interest in raiding, mythic+, delves and pvp. We are made up of new and returning players and provide a chill, fun environment.

We casually raid on a Wednesday & Thursday night from 9pm server time. We are also now running a second night . (Currently 6/8N NP)

recruitment for raid: high priority on a healer - priest, shaman or druid and ranged dps - spriest and mage.

We have groups who regularly run mythic dungeons and delves together during the week and casually do battlegrounds.

If you would like to join or need more information the following people and their roles can be contacted using battle tag and/or discord.

GM - Anfalen (btag) - Chxshire#1740 | (discord) - chxshire
Recruitment Officer - Piximonk (btag) - pixipixi#1133 |(discord) - pixi_player

Hey Piximonk,

Are you still accepting players? I am a returning player on a new class and I have only reached max level, if that is okay? I sent a friend request to you, would love to have a chat!

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Of course no worries mate I will accept and we can have a chat :slight_smile:

We are still looking for melee dps and another healer to come join our chilled community for raiding. All contact information is in the OP. We hope to see you soon.

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Hey there! I’m currently 8/8N, fury warrior, and looking for a guild exactly like yours. I’m based in SG and the raid timings are alright for me. Can we have a chat? I’ve added you on Bnet. Jackilo#6530

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We are now 6/8N on our second run in raid as a guild. We are looking for a healer (priest, shaman, druid), shadow priest, mage as well as more melee dps prefer DH, Monk, Survival Hunter, Rogue or Enhance Shaman (full on warriors/dk). All our contact info is in the OP :slight_smile:

High interest in healers and ranged dps for raiding. Our guild is chill, fun and full of banter. Come join us! Contact info is in the main post.