6 week wait for Catalyst in DF S1

People that seem to think it’ll help prop up raiding as an end game.

Except it’s the complete opposite.

Gearing via M+ is much longer than gearing out from Raiding. Mythic opens week 1 too, and M+ is going to cap at sub-Heroic ilvls. Heroic + Mythic raiding week 1 will leave raiders with a massive head start on gear that M+ players won’t have.

M+ players are going to have to step up to raiding early season, like they’re always stuck doing.

M+ only catches up to raiding once the valor cap is high enough, around week 10-12 of the season.


m+ is way more popular than raiding - so if something is better for the game, they should add it. someone pulled the numbers - the amount of parses for raids in shadowlands the past few tiers was exponentially low compared to classic…compare that to M+ parses and it’s not even close.

There’s no limitations - only a delay for no reason other than to delay it? because you’ll be able to convert the gear anyways

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The elephant in the room is that M+ doesn’t have a lockout, but raiding does.

They either need to eliminate the raiding lockout, instate a once-per-week cap on M+, or double/triple the drop rate of gear in raids.

And Blizzard isn’t willing to do any of those things, so raiding will continue to be screwed.


Can we just DISABLE tier in M+?



Do you seriously believe a M+ only player will finish week 1 with better gear than a Week 1 Mythic raider ?

Seriously ?

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Move the gearing largesse from M+ to raiding and you’ll see that turn around so fast you’ll get whiplash.

i highly doubt it…people don’t do the raids for so many more reasons than the gearing


No, why. As a raider, I enjoy using my Tier for something other than 6 hours / week in a raid.

Oh there’s no doubt that Ion has been crapping so heavily on raiding the last 6 years that it needs a list of fixes that’s a mile long.

But the reason for M+'s “popularity” is its gravy train gearing.

If pet battles gave out gear like M+ does, we’d be talking about how pet battles are the most popular content in WoW.


i think if raiding sizes went down, it would increase popularity by a large margin too.

I look at some of these other games, and raid sizes aren’t these huge parties anymore…not sure if that’s something they need to look at as well

i don’t think anyone can deny that convenience is a huge reason m+ is more popular than raiding.


I feel it’s more it’s “quick and dirty” nature. It’s easy to log on, bang out a key and log off.


In GW2 they call this “Strikes”. Mini fast paced raids you can do once a week for unique rewards.


Doesn’t Lost ark, Final fantasy have small raid sizes for their top end progress/rewards too?

i don’t see the 20 man thing lasting very long in WoW, whether Ion wants it or not.

raiding takes hours, m+ you can do a bunch of them in hours :100:


I think they’ll be about the same, but only because the raider’s gear will have come almost entirely from m+.

Most of a progression raider’s gear, for most of a raid tier, is from m+. Because raid gearing is so very, very, VERY bad.

Raiding is not fun, M+ is. If raiding is not working for you find something else to do. Do not take away others fun. Sick of the fun detected delete over the years. If raids was the pinnacle point it wouldn’t need a carrot on a stick.

This right here. 3-4 friends and a hour fun times.


Maybe someone here can answer that, I honestly don’t know (have not played either of those games seriously).

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And not like the 9 bosses of Heroic they killed and 2 Mythic bosses.


Early tier, it’s mostly from Raid, because valor doesn’t start catching up for a while, and Heroic raid gear trumps end of dungeon gear.

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Yet apparently it’s only fun if you can get raid gear from Catalyst… :thinking:

this is going to get a ton of pushback, and you’ll start to see it’s more reasons than just “m+ is a loot pinata”…

not too worried about it. if they want to add it just to change it a few months later because most of their players are upset again, whatever :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I mean at the end of the day, what are we arguing here really ?

Forget M+ for a minute.

For raiders, it means they don’t get their tier bad luck protection until 6 weeks in. Basically making it completely useless to raiders. If you don’t have 4 pc by week 6, you’re eternally benched anyway.