Then they have no credibility. They can either prove it or shut up. Since that part of the argument is moot, let’s move on to the other points…
Again, disagree. I’d say it hurt 0% of the raid base but some of the world-first racers thought it put a finger on the scales, so … hurt 0.01% of raiders? Who knows.
I agree raiding is losing players but to blame it on Catalyst is like blaming a fatal drunk driving accident on the fact the drunk’s car color wasn’t bright enough.
How about these reasons: The four raid tiers aren’t optimally balanced by target audience, we’ll start there. There are no good ways to train raid tanks and raid healers and get new players into group content (or teach new roles to players that have been a specific role for their entire WoW existence) outside of just throwing them in with 15 other people and telling them “good luck, hope you learn what you need to know … if you don’t, you’re just wasting 15 other people’s time”. The gear rewards from raiding weren’t high enough this expansion and/or should not have exceeded M+. The second raid itself was simply not fun. Torghast was required for legendary construction in the early seasons and wasn’t nicknamed Choregast for nothing.
Point being, there’s plenty of other things that need fixing first.
I’m not unsympathetic to mythic raiders’ plight; I’ve raided top tier in the past but it’s been awhile, and I’m too old/time-crunched now to put in the work I need to perform property and not to weigh down the group. But raiders complaining about delaying Catalyst sound a lot like Captain Grimm’s video on the SL rollout where the guy is complaining to Blizzard that it’s been an hour and he’s not level 60 yet.
If mythic raiders can convince Blizzard to start handing out tokens again to serve as protection against bad tier drop RNG, I’m all for it. But that’s not going to affect raid participation by any measurable amount.
As much as I like the M+ side, the biggest thing of all affecting raid participation is probably the emphasis on and proliferation of M+, which gave people a smaller-group way to access end-game gear. Maybe with that gear dropping back under mythic raid quality, it won’t be as big of a deal going forward.
And no one can take their opinion and make it fact without proof. I’m glad you have opinions but they’re no more or less valid than mine unless you back them up. No amount of insisting otherwise is going to change that.
Catalyst was way too little too late in s3 and it looks like it will be once again in df s1. The issue is that it will work in all content it should be attainable in all content, furthermore if the raid is tuned with tier in mind getting tier needs to also be in mind. I’m not panicked about it yet since its likely we’re going to get a sudden blue post that will change everything we know about m+ loot when m+ testing comes online, similar to what they did with raid testing, but its worth making the objections heard now.
Its also worth noting that now that group loot is back there is a real possibility that if your raid isn’t rocking a full cast of characters you will be getting tier tokens for classes that aren’t even in your raid which could be a massive demoralizer to a raid group.
As someone who only does m+ and pvp, I really don’t care.
Too many of you have an obsession with buffering your laziness with borrowed power, ilvl, pay2win carries. If you were half decent at the game, a vet in any form of the word, you’d know you can bring a lot to the table before you’re kitted out.
Not too many gamers these days though. Just game buyers.
I dunno about that, my money is on weekly cache being gone, loot going up to early/mid mythic raid level but only through a monkeys paw that makes it ridiculously low return for m+ only, some variation of valor, and possibly some variation of being able to get tier through m+.
After most of the changes we’ve seen I’d say its more likely to be controversial rather then outright bad. Similar to the raid ones, most of the stuff they’ve changed has a logic to it at least.
Bad news my Vulpera friend. If Blizzard double-downed before, consider the new proposed itemization tripling down, as M+ now has actual BIS loot in DF for raiders based on ilvl that raiders will actually NEED to farm each week. Your hyperbole of raiders needing to M+ is finally becoming actual reality to the detriment of everyone.
If they got rid of the raid lockout I would actually raid again. Would be so much more fun if they changed it, it even works perfectly with the new item level system for raiding. People can grind out the easy bosses for gear and slowly work their way up rather than needing to learn a dozen bosses right away.