We hear about this a lot, but whenever the Horde is actually losing they call the Alliance cheaters. If the Alliance lose, they’re cowards and losers.
The only way to win is just not to play and make the Horde whine about queues.
We hear about this a lot, but whenever the Horde is actually losing they call the Alliance cheaters. If the Alliance lose, they’re cowards and losers.
The only way to win is just not to play and make the Horde whine about queues.
I’m pretty sure the last 6 months have shown this doesn’t happen.
It’s classic so blizzard won’t balance AV which is fine it just means Alliance won’t queue for it. If AB had the same map problems as AV horde would spawn at blacksmith.
Once again Enjoy your 3 hour queue.
Enjoy getting smashed in AB/WSG.
Have a great day.
Yeah. Horde whined endlessly about Ally premades in AV until they got nerfed twice. They’re still whining about premades in BGs. Turns out 15 minute queues for a BG aren’t fun when you auto lose.
I haven’t queued AV on this character since the premade nerf five or so months ago (those weren’t much fun either, but I wanted the r7 gloves). No interest in playing with sub-60s and 60% mount alts who are only there for the pre-BiS gear.
Do you always immediately spit bile at everyone who disagrees with you even slightly?
Nah, just people too ignorant to acknowledge their own ignorance.
Horde adapted to your zerg tactics. As soon as that happened you as a faction literally threw up your hands in a crying screaming whiny baby fit and began demanding Blizzard Nerf Horde Until They Can’t Win Anymore™.
When Blizzard rightly told you to fist yourselves, you quit queing and decided instead to hide in /2 Premades for AB/WSG and run the instant you see anything that isn’t a full Horde PUG, justifying it as ‘not being enough honor/hour’… but instead it’s just a symptom of the same problem that saw you completely chased out of AV.
Alliance players don’t want a fight. They want easy wins against opponents that are completely unable to fight back. The tiniest bit of resistance causes you to crumble because you’re afraid to try and fail.
By all means, try to be smarmy and snarky and smug and use my own words against me somehow in this perceived ‘gotcha’ moment you’re desperate for.
I won’t care.
Yah man we get it Horde amazing, Horde super smart, Horde great strategists. We’re still not coming back to AV until it’s fixed (which it won’t be).
Enjoy living in your delusional bubble of superiority while you get farmed endlessly in AB/WSG.
At least you have your pity 3 hour AV queue to make you feel warm inside.
I just honestly don’t get why you go straight to the insults completely unprovoked. Seriously, chill out.
Wow, someone missed his nap- Blizz, mind fetching his bottle?
This is exactly what horde did until blizzard nerfed premades. Literally every thread on the forums at one point. 1.12 AV is trash anyway. Not sure why anyone would want to play it over AB/WSG.