6 Straight Aliance losses in AV. The Zerg is over

not true im on west server and i am grouped with people from east

all the horde did was turtle the alliance can go around it to the back door but they dont.

the alliance trashed talk about our 3h queue times but its only 10m for av…lol.

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Had 3 wins in a row this way then a fast 16 minute win…gg alliance you’re done.

So your whole complaint is that Horde didn’t just let you guys pass by and grab a quick win? Are you kidding me? Do you understand that you entered a battleground where the horde are supposed to be your opponents? AV is not another stupid PVE instance, or at least shouldn’t be. Your team needs to figure out how to win when the Horde change tactics.

They are 20 mins in primetime OCE

Yes, once in a hour IF they win…

Then why do I see east coast servers when I’m on a west coast one?

still not worth the turtle if your after the honor.you can wait the 15m then 10m queue time for another and still get more honor.

turtling is dumb.

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It’s the weekend. The quality of pug BGs go down compared to the rest of the week.

I’ve played over 40 games, won over 30 of them. I think alliance still win the majority at least in my case

its a 2-3min que during prime time and a 4-7min que during off times

just enough to grab a drink/use the washroom between games what are you talking about?

I have seen the bridge as a defensive choke point true. But never use to make the game go longer for no reason. As for the graveyard strat the TBT used to run, that came in to being after the counter was introduced. So no. Never just made a match go on and on farming HKs with out a mechanic to end it at some point.

42 minute queue for Horde? Looks like Alliance are the real winners after all. :grin:

I’ve noticed a serious discrepancy in competency in AV now that the dust has settled on zergs.

Horde stealth rogue +druid combo will ninja cap South Bunker, then delay while reinforcements wall jump. Our stealth, if they even manage to be 60 try and pick off mages in an aoe fest where the bulk of the forces are fighting. And forget the common sense of colluding to cap Snowfall or anything south if there’s a turtle between Stonehearth and Stormpike.

We get 15-20 people in frostwolf, relief hut capped, ahead of the horde, there’s no turtle, save for maybe 3-4 horde defenders who hearthed. Nothing happens, nobody pulls because we don’t have a tank, thus losing our lead, all the while complaining ‘more need to come south.’ If you cant accomplish systematic warmaster pulls with around half the raid, that’s an issue of composition, gear, and competence.

Unfortunately, whether it’s due to world pvp taking it’s toll in getting people geared and they gave up getting to 60 and raiding, or that all the serious pvpers went horde for the racials, player for player, pound for pound, Horde are accomplishing specific objectives with fewer players.

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Uhm, playing defence is part of the game. Like in any game. Ever created. What’s the issue? The ten horde on D got you down?

I really have no issue with a 42 min q for av. I have an issue with zero wsg games being played because alliance wont q for it due to honor per hour from 7 min zerg wins. Slow the av honor - increase ther wsg q.

Very basic tatic. Im hoping we can get an average av game time of 2 hours.

There are plenty of Alliance playing WSG. There are just too many horde.

Not on OCE - for 4 hours yesterday there was not a single wsg bg running.

Not a single one

Dude… I can understand why people were frustrated with open world PvP because of how imbalanced it can be, but BGs pit equal numbers of players against each other in a controlled environment. Sure, Horde PvP racials are more powerful, but there is no way the Alliance should be losing AV constantly with the bridge at Dun Baldar at your disposal. And enough with the “I’m sure the Horde will enjoy playing by themselves” nonsense, damn near every other PvP troll post over the last month has regurgitated that already.

For the bridge turtle to happen, you’ve already surrendered 90% of the map as alliance. There’s no real advantage that eventually leads to a victory in it because Classic doesn’t use reinforcements.

Not that I’d object to having more people on defence at stormpike, mind. Right now, a 5 man organised horde group take both towers and aid station if a turtle isnt in play.

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