6 month subscription bonuses

I have a quick question about the mount and whatever other freebies that come along with the 6 month subscription. The support article states clearly that you have to have an active paid 6 month subscription from the battle.net store, and no other means of adding game time will qualify. I assume this means just adding 6 months total from one month subs or other sources of game time.

I currently have a 6 month active sub, but also have a RaF going that occasionally gives me 30 days of game time for free. Does this affect my 6 month freebies at all? I haven’t noticed any issues with it yet, but I am curious…if I add a month or three via game tokens, will that break it, since that’s technically “another source of game time” or will it still count? What if I add six tokens, extending my renewal date out six months?

I’m not trying to game the system, it’s just a curious question my husband brought up to me earlier today since I have extra gold, and haven’t noticed any problems caused by the free months added via Recruit a Friend. Thanks in advance!

na its literally just perks for having the 6 month option on your sub active. You could add 12 months worth of tokens or raf payments etc and as long as you dont cancel your sub or change it, youl qualify


Correct! And Napayshni, it does look like your account did qualify and recieved the mount as a gift back in January. It’s already been claimed by your account, so you should have it in your collection to use :slight_smile:


Awesome, thanks for the confirmation! And yep, I do have the most recent perks, I just didn’t want to break something for future rewards if I decided to add token-time. <3