<Juice> is a semi-hardcore raiding guild looking for exceptional DPS to round out our raiding core. We are looking for committed, strong DPS who are ready to earn their raid spots. Come willing and ready!
Currently 6/9M, with 3 raid nights a week: Sunday / Monday / Tuesday, from 7:00pm - 10:00pm PST.
Come hang with the bros as we smash bosses. Looking forward to all applicants! Add me @ CyRules#1244.
Bump! Still lookin for more bros / gals!
Currently working on Fetid Devourer, but still looking for gentlemen and ladies (Ranged DPS) to smash bosses with!
Bump, Fetid down, Zul down, both in one night! Ranged DPS still needed! =)
Bump! Still recruiting strong ranged players! Cleared 1-5M in one farm night!
Looking for a STRONG healer for a core raiding spot!! 7/8M, let's work towards our CE! (=
Still looking for that 1 healer to round out our core! Not recruiting for the bench. Bump!
Still looking for thicc dps to join us in Juice!
Lets go, 6/9M!