590 Blood DK / 582 Vengeance DH 6/8N tank looking for a home

Hi there,

Almost all geared up and nowhere to go. Looking for a long-term tanking home. I have multiple AOTCs in the past and have been playing this game for a long long time. I am looking for a place that will go into Mythic. I also would love a place that does M+

About me: I am a 40+ year old dad who loves this game. I am looking for a place with no yelling or screaming at people. A place that I can be active on discord and not be a problem (some people don’t like good morning messages). I can raid most nights after 8est…but would rather not go past midnight. I also would like to only raid 2 nights a week.

Check here, we might be able to flex around your time

Hey Thundabubby,

Blood dk or Vdh very interested!

We are a new guild of a group of former raiders with AOTC and Mythic progress for each tier. We’re actively recruiting for all roles. We have aspirations to reach the penultimate boss each tier going forward and are looking to build a community of like-minded individuals who have CE aspirations with a mindset of always striving to get better.

Schedule: Tuesday & Wednesday 7 - 10 PM CT.

We’re also looking to build a solid community to have around for pushing high M+ keys and overall having a chill environment for everyone to escape from reality to.

Previous tier AOTC is a requirement for all raiding applicants.

Come be a part of the fun and join the Altered Egos!

Contact Information:
Ionic - Lead Recruiter. BTag = drAgon#19480 /\ Discord = ionic4881

Thrall Server

We are 2 night raid week- Wed/Thursdays 8:30-10:30pm Eastern Time
Currently have alot of spots to fill for raid, as well as more people to do m+ with.

Small group of friends who have played together for years, have gotten multiple AOTC and KSH achievements.

contact on discord: Shreads

Also looking for social people, or anyone who only wants to run m+

hi everyone!

Did I mention almost having my monk leveled up?

Good morning everyone!

Morning Thundabuddy. Can you contact me on discord? Zohmaigawd

Monk is almost 80!!!
BDK is 578
VDH us 577

BDK is 580 now!

Morning all

Hello I am starting a one night a week raid focused on AoTC/Gearing.
It is a sunday raid starting at 7PM MTN.
Please feel free to reach out or check out my post!

581 Blood / 578 V DH

Happy raid day everyone!

Need a tank? I am your man. AOTCs and wanting to do mythic.

Just ran my first Season 1 dungeon! Lets go!

6/8N in night one. Who needs a tank!

Hi! I am recruiting! We would love to try ya out! The Grove is on NA Proudmoore and we are sitting at 6/8N so far on Nerub’ar. We raid on tues/thurs at 7pm CST. We also have a discord too! Will be going for AOTC. I am sure a lot of us will get KSM and KSH too.

BDK / or FDK depending on team
VDH looking for a home!!!

Morning everyone!

DK is 590
DH is 584
Druid is 560

Working on pally now and my Evoker!!!