5/8H LOC "Jump Off" Tues/Thurs 8-11pm EST LFM S2 Mythic Roster

Bring on the sweet sweet resto druids.

Looking for the players who can P.U.M.P

Lets go boys, we doing really good this teir. We having so much fun. Could use more peepsl to enjoy the game with

still trying to find a decent Resto druid.

Looking for Ranged and a skilled DH!

statement still stands

looking for that ranged!

Great guild, good leaders with a solid understanding of the raids!

up up and away!

Looking for competitive dps and maybe a healer!

Bump. Always looking for solid players! PST

looking for the pumperrrrs

Still need some DPS!

Bumping, cuz rizzloe gonna ask someone to anyways. :smiley:

looking for the amazing dps that can press 1 2 3 4 5!!!

Still looking for exceptional DPS to add to our roster!

looking for melee or maybe 1 healer!

Back at it again, bumping.

Do you have any need for a 8/9 Heroic BM hunter?

unfortunately we not not need another hunter at this point in time.