6/8H LOC "Jump Off" Tues/Thurs 8-11pm EST LFM S2 Mythic Roster

Really need that resto druid spot filled.

looking for competitive dps or a healer!

Bump. “That’s my raidlead”

looking for pumpers. dps or healers!

Bump before i’m asked to do it again :slight_smile:

looking for melee/ranged dps!!

looking for dps :slightly_smiling_face:

We found the Resto druid. Now we need some dps.

looking for them pumper dps!

LFM, EZ 3/9 This week. :smiley:

looking for those pumpers!

Bumping for the 3/9M Guild!! Leggo

3/9 bump!!

looking for dps!

Open to healers :smiley:

need chads

:boom:Bump!! Looking for CHAD dps players 3/9M Guild :boom:

looking for melee/ranged dps!

Just need a dps or two

do you know…the muffin man?