5/8H LOC "Jump Off" Tues/Thurs 8-11pm EST LFM S2 Mythic Roster

looking for ranged dps!

In need of some ranged folks up in here.

poggers in the chatttt

No mythic raid exp? Still reach out, you may surprise us all.

recruiting for next tier!

if you can flex specs, even better!

need range dps

looking for competitive dps to push mythic with us in 10.1!!!

Bring in the ranged DPS!

right to the top!

looking for moarrr!

WTB resto druids

Looking for that sweet sweet dps!

still need a resto

Time to kill some bosses! New patch. New Guild. Come join us for the slaughter. :slight_smile:

WW Monk interested in raiding with you guys, previous multiple CEs and high M+ experience. Doozer #1437 on Bnet!

Thank you for your interest. We are currently looking for ranged dps.

Had an Spriest spot open up.

Looking for a DH!!

Still looking for Ranged and a DH!

Looking for more!