5/8 H player LF AOTC guild

Hello, my name is Depraved and I am currently looking for an AOTC guild. Last guild I was in imploded suddenly, causing me to do the whole guild search again. I’m currently playing shadow priest (can dabble in healing but have never healed in a serious environment before), but with the current state of shadow and the movement heavy fights of Nerub’ar I’m looking to gear up an alt (currently unknown, will spend this week determining an alt unless any potential guilds have specifics they want, I’m usually open to playing anything and have one of every class ready to level if not already at max).

Currently 8/8 N, 5/8 H prior to guild collapse. I don’t believe that I have the skill or even the time for CE but am looking for a guild that clears Heroic in the early weeks of the tier, then maybe dabbles in mythic a little (but this isn’t a dealbreaker if you don’t do mythic at all). I work days so evenings are the preferred time slots, the later the better. With the new cross realm/cross faction guilds, I guess it doesn’t matter what realm/faction.

I like to pride myself in throwing 110% at whatever class I’m maining, with that being toward gearing/prepping for fights, researching fights beforehand, knowing utility I can bring to the group, etc.

TLDR: Current Spriest (may change) looking for AOTC focused guild to call my forever home.

You can hit me up here, or on Discord (depraved_phd). Thank you for reading and I look forward to hearing about everyone’s guilds!

Hi Depravedphd,

Take a look at our guild and let me know if this is something you might be interested in:

Add me on discord @bengin8

We could potentially be a good fit. Reach out to us on discord if interested!

[Vivid] 2 Day Mythic Guild
Current progression - 6/8H
Raid Days and Times

Friday 9pm-12a EST.

Sunday 9pm-12a EST.

About us

We are Vivid a guild comprised of close friends across multiple games including wow. Most of which have been gaming together since MOP. We clear AOTC every tier we have raided and then push mythic progression. We aren’t a fully dedicated CE guild but we do like to clear content and perform well.


First and foremost we respect each other’s time and lives. That means being on time for raid and ready to go. While real life happens and we understand we just ask a simple heads up so we can accommodate.

Players are to be up to date on class metas and come to raid prepared with relevant gear, enchants, potions, etc. We do aim to provide feast and flasks.

Adapt and overcome. Raiders should feel comfortable with their class and role and have the ability to adapt to change quickly and efficiently.

Above all else HAVE FUN! This isn’t a job and is NOT treated as one. We are a very laid back group that loves to joke around and talk smack!

Current recruiting needs

Any capable player will be considered regardless of needs.

HEALERS: Full but any qualified applicant will be looked at and we fill on a performance basis.

RANGED DPS: evoker > hunter > everything else.

MELEE DPS: DH > Rogue > Pally > everything else.

How to apply

Use our discord link and fill out an application! Under the apply here tab.


Reach out to one of our officers on discord

Moralz. ( moralz#9478 )

Zick4short ( cap#6895 )

Sent ya a request on discord Mearpond

I’ll start reaching out to prospective guilds today

Hi Depraved,
We are looking for a SPriest who would also be willing to play off-spec heals on certain nights, when needed (we have a full heals team, just when someone is out or when 5 heals are needed).

We’re currently 4/8H (We raid Tues 7:30 - 9:30pm EST. We went 4/8H first prog night last Tuesday).

I’d like to chat if you’re interested and our schedule works for you. We are AOTC, but may dabble in a bit of mythic afterwards (team consists of many previous mythic raiders).

For more info, check the link below. Hope to hear from you.
Click Here for More Info


  • Information
    • Sun/Mon 8-11 pm CST
  • Heroic AOTC and Mythic Plus Focused (Starting Normal next Sunday 10/6)
  • Lead is 8/8 H in Nerub-ar Palace
  • If you are tired of pugging and want to create an AOTC atmosphere with no toxicity, please come help a great community.
  • Priority Needs
    Dev or Aug Evoker
    Death Knight
    1 Tank (Pref DK or Monk)
  • Can’t make a raid schedule? Come 5-man it up!
  • Logs are appreciated but not required.

About Us

From Vanilla veterans to fresh raiders, Strategery offers a welcoming community for all WoW enthusiasts. Our experienced members have a proven track record of raiding in top US 150 guilds, and we’re dedicated to helping you reach your full potential…

We’re a laid-back group of working adults who enjoy tackling challenging content and having a good time. Our zero-drama policy ensures a positive and supportive environment and a sense of humor is always appreciated.

Whether you’re a seasoned raider or just starting out, we’re here to help you succeed. Join us for epic raids, friendly banter, and unforgettable adventures.

Contact us on Discord for a quicker response

Discord: machtstreben
Bnet: Mach#11855

Discord: Beetz
Bnet: Beetus:11493

(Legacy Within) Guild Recruitment [A/H] 7/8 H | Thursday/Sunday 9:30-12:30 am EST | M+

About Us

Legacy Within is a friendly and laid-back cross faction and cross realm guild created by a group of friends. The goal of the guild is to clear heroic for AOTC and get some mythic bosses in for the vault loot, push M+ for gear and achievements, and generally have a good time playing with others in the guild as we progress with content.

Raid times

  • Days: Thursday and Sunday
  • Time: 9:30 pm - 12:30 am EST

What We are Looking For

We are currently looking for the follow classes:

Preservation or Augmentation evoker
Holy priest
Havoc with a vengeance off spec Demon hunter

For more information please contact me through Battle net: Affrothunder#1711 or Discord: Screaminwife