Shadowlands Preview: Maldraxxus and the Necrolord Covenant

I sure hope Blizzard doesn’t make one of these factions abilities super OP compared to the rest of them so I can actually choose to play these cool looking ones instead of being forced into picking one I don’t want just to be able to compete in endgame content.

For me here’s my order of favorite to least favorite:

Kyrian - My favorite. I love the Larions, I love the zone, and I love the lore. I’m also a sucker for Greek/Nordic aesthetics, and so a combo of the two are going to make me want to join them. It’s literally just Eye Candy: The Zone.

Also, again, I think I’ve said this thousands of times now, but I just really want to play a Kyrian. But that’s the problem, a lot of my decision is riding on that expectation. I don’t know if or when they’d even become playable. Because if it’s after Shadowlands… then what’s the point? Why commit myself to a Kyrian on my main for an entire expansion with rewards I deem lackluster compared to the others.

Night Fae - I love the zone, love the set and mount, but then… I don’t really like the Sanctum or characters. I’ve never cared much for Ysera, and Bwonsamdi appears to only have a minor role in the zone.

Necrolords - So, I love the armor set, mount, and Krexus. What I don’t like? Pretty much everything else. I’ve always hated Eastern Plaguelands, and Maldraxxus is really just that but on steroids with a blue/green filter put over. I know that’s a really biased way of looking at it, but I still am just not that big of a fan.

Venthyr - I don’t like vampires. No thanks. Zone is cool, but everything else is uninteresting. Though I still think it’s fantastic.

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Meanwhile there’s me

Blizzard: And the venthyr are vamp-

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And then…



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Lol fair those little guys are adorable

MIGHT IS RIGHT!!! :skull_and_crossbones:


my biggest issue is that the leather one feels like the odd one out.

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I see Sylvanas becoming the new Primus…afterall, many on GD like to say she plays 3, 4 or even 8 D chess. :wink: (

She doesn’t get killed off and she’s outta Azeroth’s hair too.)


The sets are themed after the houses.

Plate - Gladiators

Leather - Abominations

Mail - Aranakk or Gladiators?

Cloth - Liches

But… Maldraxxus wants her dead.

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Yeah i could see that, but imo the aranakk fits them better tbh.

Honestly I’ve been trying to make a joke about the band Primus this whole time but my brain’s too smooth to come up with one.

For now maybe, but their mantra is “Might makes right” so that could change.

But Sylvanas is already on the Maw Covenant.

Yeah, but the Arbiter is taking a nap right now. It’s the perfect time to pull a switcheroo.

Why hello potential future home.

I feel like a Warlock Forsaken would fit right in.

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The Necrolords recruit the best of the best (you).


Primus sucks

If no one gets this… I’ll feel old.

Hi blues, what was the thought process of putting youtube video links behind social credit score, thanks.

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Do you guys have more class changes to priest rather than just tweaking how power infusion works? Yes i like power infusion being an actual damage cool-down now with the 25% increased insanity but it still doesn’t justify the fact that there really is no incentive to go into void form at this point in time.