I wish. Gub’ment took my guns so now I can only scowl menacingly.
i actually owned a Sinclair ZX81 back in the day as my first computer.
this is what the Timex was rebranded from in the US.
then moved on to apple II euro+
75 and still kicking
You’ll never be as young as you are today. Enjoy every minute. Do what makes you happy. Today is a good day to have fun, always. Almost 69 years, late to the party, started playing WoW 2008 TBC. Looking forward to Classic. Feets don’t fail me now.
Hi fellow gray hairs. Played on launch and at 55 thrilled to play Classic.
See the awesomeness of this thread. We aint the old folks of our youth.
I was a little late too. I started playing WoW in May 2008, but I knew absolutely nothing about BC. All I had was what got dl’d to me when I started a 10-day free trial. Played like that for several months and then, one day, tried to get on the boat to Exodar. Started off and BAM!, next thing I knew, I’d been thrown off the boat and was back on the shore in Darkshore! I had NO idea what had happened until I complained about it and my guildies told me that I needed to get the expansion. LOL So I pretty much consider that I did play Vanilla WoW for awhile, even though I know a bunch of things were different by then. Still, when I played the test last weekend, it sure brought back a bunch of memories! Oh - and 66 here and getting SO hyped for Classic! Come join us in Horde Tough! Great bunch of people.
I’m 78. The good thing is that I wear adult diapers so I don’t have to waste time using the bathroom to level. I still poop like a cement truck!
Hopefully not. When my mom was 83, I had to have a conversation with her about not trying to chase bears off her porch with a broom.
Oh no. Ill prob be that way, chase bears with a broom, at 75.
One last thing
60 coming back to the game just for classic.
Y’know when you’re feeling old on your birthday, and then you see that Senior ticket price for the movies is still years away. Yeah, that’s how this makes me feel.
Man I gotta say that the amount of senior players showing up in this post is amazingly high, I’m genuinely happy to see it.
Can I get in on that 55+ guild? Technically, I’m only 45 but I think that I am very mature for my age.
Hey ya Auspice, we have a guild recruitment thread on the classic new guild forums. Do a search on Horde Tough or you can leave your battletag here and we will send you a invite.
we were excited when the neighbors next door got pong. We would sit there for hours playing against each other
Please add my battle tag to the friends list invites for the Horde Tough guild:
Ive always been inmature for my age. Now that Im 55 its finally paying off.