55 or older?

So there needs to be a guild called “Stormwind Retirement Home” and it can take up residence by the orphanage… we can sit around in our rocking chairs and yell at kids to get out of the fountain. And when we pass on to the great server in the sky, the Cathedral is literally right there to help with the celebration of virtual life…


54 here been playing Blizzard games since the first Warcraft in the 90’s. All us geezers should unite!

Y’all are awesome ! Also as a late 40s woman… FU peeps for same reminder my mirror gives me everyday LMAO. CYA in few weeks :smiley:


This thread is gross when you think about. A bunch of old wrinkly people raising their hands in the air to be counted for playing a video game.

I’m in my 40s and started playing classic right after law school. I would be a partner by now if not for this damn game.


Would make a great guild name


My first computer was a Color Computer II. Horrible beast with a cursed cassette drive. “Graduated” to a Commodore 64 and thought I was very cool. The company I worked for had an IBM PC with a 20 meg hard drive. The company restructured and all the managers had to buy their districts as independent distributors. I bought the IBM with it’s monochrome monitor. Had it upgraded to a 40 meg drive and thought I was the hottest gamer in town. Now, my wristwatch has more power! Had an old Pong machine, an Atari, and finally a Nintendo! Didn’t do much gaming for a number of years as I was busy raising kids and trying to keep them fed. My brother got me into Warcraft 2 in the 80’s. I’ve been at that and then WoW ever since.


I will be playing on Pagle. 55 here and husband is 51 years old.


frickin love it…

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The guild is ready to go for people 40 and over! We have quite a group already up and running on Discord and, I have to say, it seems like a super awesome bunch of people. Please consider joining us for a really fun time once Classic is live!

i mean i respect it, games are for all ages, im 27 myself, early gratz on your level up

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Why couldn’t I have parents capable of gaming like this?! You’re all awesome.


Thumbs up for getting through law school. Kiss enough @#$% and you’ll get junior partner.

Although, having a lot of lawyer friends, they really are a bunch of @#$%. lol.

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Not 55 YET! 53 and still lovin’ my time in Azeroth! Would love a geezer guild! LOL…

lol. i have some toons named Gzr and GzrGeek 'cause I are one.

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This is important.

Our sense of age is greatly impacted by our surroundings. It’s good to use hobbies to get exposed to young people and keep in touch with what they think and inspire us to continue to try new things.


There has been so much interest in the guild that it has been opened to people 40 & over now.

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I’m all over this. Reserved a couple of Horde toons. Will be looking for this guild!

This! Turned 40 last weekend and need some folks that will play at my pace. :slight_smile:

Great! I’ve really liked the people I’ve talked to in the guild in chat on discord so far. If you want to meet some in discord now or just get on the list to be notified when they organize at launch you can leave a message in the Horde Tough thread above.

Leave your battle tag ID and they will send you a battle.net friend invitation. Or you can whisper a guild member after launch and will get an officer to invite you to the guild.

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58 here, cant wait for launch!