53 Minutes in Heroic Dungeon Queue

First day for heroic dungeons after purchasing the early access bundle. Myself and one other DPS have spent upwards of 50 minutes in queue, while the “average wait time” is only 6 minutes.

Something is wrong here.

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couldn ttell ya. we just did 4 dungeons as a full group but premade. but right now the entire game is down just as of like 2 min ago

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I just finished a run before the servers went mia, I was in queue for about an hour

I did 2 heroics in like 25 mins. Lucky I guess?

my tank queues haven’t been longer than 10 seconds


Ive also been unable to join heroic dungeon groups as dps, waited in queue up to 45 minutes on a 4-10 minute average wait time
Swapped to my healer as queues were only a minute,
Hopefully maintenance fixes this tomorrow, bit of a bummer

still have yet to get into a heroic dungeon - over 30 minutes in queues every time. Watched dps queue up after me solo and get a dungeon pop before mine

Simply put the entire thing is once again broken and as per normal im sure zero care will be given

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you’re level 74 and ineligible for heroic dungeons. hope that clears up any confusion



That’s what happens when you nerf them and as a result make healing even harder for the double whammy.


I have noticed an extreme difference in queue times depending if I’m queuing on an alliance or on a horde. Since cross faction queuing isn’t implemented it would make sense that there could just be way more horde queuing up for randoms than alliance.

Or this could just be a coincidence. Yesterday I sat in queue on my alliance Druid for 50min twice (relogged and queued again thinking it might be broken) and never got into one. Swapped to my horde character and waited about 8min. Both were queued as a solo dps.

People in my guild have also noticed this, some even resorting to faction changing to horde just for seemingly better queue times but that seems a bit extreme.

Under 10 minutes for me.

I would say your queue is bugged.

I would have dropped it and re-queued around the 10-15 minute mark.

Who seriously waits almost an hour before thinking “Maybe I should try that again?”

Keep kicking tanks from dungeons cuz they are " too slow" you will find a shortage of tanks = longer queues, if your tank like to explore, and take an extra 5 mins per dungeon, let it be, he will be back, but be a D and he will just reroll dps and join the long queue just to complain later about longer queues


Welcome to the world of time gating! Where content is waiting and waiting is content!

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omg - we don’t need those types of tanks in content. Luckily that type of tank happens once in 1000 so we aren’t likely to miss them. (personal stats since I have never seen a tank do that and I have probably done about that number of dungeons).

Well Healer and Tank queue are certainly not bugged, tank and heal queue less than 60 seconds the last several runs I did

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Fair but uhh with the scaling being so wonky at 80 on normals I found healing heroics considerably easier than normals. Like, not even same ballpark. Doing less than half the healing I was on some of the popular large pulls and stuff felt WAY less dangerous coming out of the mobs.

The “average wait time” isn’t across the queued population. It’s the last group that got in. This isn’t really a useful measure. They should find some other way to give players an idea of how long queue times are.

  1. Tanking is the least fun it’s ever been in a long time.
  2. Current heroic rewards are not very good compared to open world/rep rewards.

Queing as tank takes me 5-10 seconds. It’s almost as if tank nerfs pushed more of the tank population away. Not sure why, because if you genuinely enjoy tanking then wouldn’t you want to learn and be better?

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