5/10M Disc Priest or Rshaman LF raid team

I am 5/10M experience this tier and looking for a team to push CE as quickly as possible. I am willing to raid 3-5 raid nights for prog. I had to take a couple month break due to moving and some real life stuff that came up along the way but im back to raiding.

I am looking for a new guild because the team has decided to stop raiding. :cry:

shaman: bubbleototem-proudmoore
Priest: bubbleoatone-proudmoore

*I am not looking for casual, willing to transfer servers and or swap to Horde.

I recently swapped to disc from resto shaman and have spent alot of time learning the class.

Available days/times:
Any days of the week, 9pm to 12 EST

Contact Info:
BTAG: bubbleosevin#1157
Discord: bubbleototem#3741

I have healed almost every tier on multiple healing classes since Vanilla. I review logs and customize my own weak auras. I am looking for like minded raiders to destroy raids and Mythic +. Also, I am available during off nights in order to run optional raids.

Notable Achievements
AOTC: Lady Jaina Proudmoore
Cutting Edge: Ghuun
Cutting Edge: Argus the Unmaker
AOTC: Kil’Jaeden
AOTC: Helya
Cutting Edge: Xavius


We are currently 5/10 Mythic in Sanctum and only raid 2 nights a week

Current Needs

SPriest/Disc or holy off spec (high priority)
Resto Shaman
Fury Warrior

All DPS will be strongly considered as we are a performance based guild.

Raid Times are as follows:
Sunday 9:00 PM - Midnight EST
Monday 9:00 PM - Midnight EST

What will be expected of you:

Discord is required, not just for listening purposes but to also communicate with the raid.

Attendance is a must, we understand that real life comes first and are more than happy to make necessary adjustments but a heads up is always appreciated.

Preparedness is another must; we always show up with pots, flask, and food buffs. Most nights Cauldrons and Feasts will be provided, but having the backups just in case is required.

Performance is a no brainer. Although mechanics are important maintaining high DPS and or Healing is extremely important.

Please feel free to add the following Officers to Real ID if you are interested:
Notfalling#1204/Discord – Notfalling#1940
MeatyRhombus#1474/Discord – Kinkii#2781
Ecnahc#1287/Discord – Ecnahcz#9029

We only have 2 nights worth of raiding, although we do Mythic+'s throughout the week as well off night Heroic runs once progressing in mythic(when attendance permits on Wednesdays), we expect the best out of our players especially Sunday and Monday. If this seems to be a good fit for you, do not hesitate to reach out to the Officers with any questions. Thank You

Hi there! Would love to have u join the team! Please see the post below and inquire within…

can use your healer on our weekend team Hexual Healing

Unprotected Hex was formed the 2nd week of January 2021 after getting a late start in mythic we still were able to attain CE US 590. During CN we became a multi raid team guild with setting our goals to be Cutting Edge by the end of the tier and each subsequent tier, faster than the last. Each team strives to play the best they can and utilizing all available prep and working as efficiently as possible.

Join our discord to apply & learn more about us discord.gg/unprotectedhex


Unprotected Hex 9/10M 10/10H SOD 10/10M CN
T/W/Thurs 10:45PM-2AM(EST)

Recruiting: Holy Pal, Disc Priest, Resto Sham, Unholy DK, Shadow Priest, Enhance Sham

Team Hoodslam 5/10M 10/10H SOD 9/10M CN
Tuesday / Thursday 10pm-1am EST (Adding Wednesdays for 2 weeks mythic tier)

Recruiting: WW Monk, Mage, Exceptional DPS considered

Hexual Healing 5/10M 10/10H SOD 8/10M CN
**Friday / Saturday 9pm - 1am (EST) **

Recruiting: Arms War, Disc Priest, Resto Druid, Resto Sham

The​ ​Idea

The idea of efficient raiding, instead of bulk raiding to down content. It has been done before, but we intend to do it better. We intend to build more than a WoW raiding guild, we’re building a community. We are very active on and off of raid times, and due to our easy schedule, we have time to play and organize other events and games outside of WoW.


We enjoy the environment we’re building, and the people we are building it with. As a guild, our goal is to down content – but enjoy this game in a way we haven’t in a long time. There will be no screaming, scolding, or calling out. The best way to describe our raid environment is proactive and communicative. We will discuss issues, mechanics, strategies, and mistakes openly to curb them and move on. We will go back to a log or video and discussed what happened on walls.

You must respect your fellow raiders here even on other teams and absolutely no racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, ableism, ageism, harassment, etc

We are always looking for talented healers to join our roster. I have attached our app down below!

8/10 Mythic on Zul’jin is recruiting exceptional DPS and Healers to join our immediate roster to finish Cutting Edge SoD and prepare for the next tier.

Children - Zul’jin - 3 nights/week (9 hours of raid)
Castle Nathria - M 10/10 CE
Sanctum of Domination - 7/10 MYTHIC 10/10 HEROIC
Apply here!

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Wednesday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Thursday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Holidays will be rescheduled to Mondays.

Recruiting trials for 9.1. All classes and specs will be considered. Feel free to apply and secure a trial position for Sanctum!

Current Needs: (Immediate core roster spots available)

MONK (All Specs)

All positions are competitive and all classes will be considered, therefore applicants should have appropriate logs.

Server Information:
Chicago Datacenter
Eastern Realm Time

In-game contacts:
(DISCORD Crixxus#7204 or Madness#5716)

We are a mythic guild made up of CE raiders , high rated PvPers and high IO players with two goals in mind; improvement from previous tiers every tier, and CE every tier. We look forward to hearing from you!

Bubbleoatone, Hey!

Looking to add a Priest Healer to our team, as we move our current one to an DK. Looking for a consistent player who can understand CD mapping and can adjust on the fly as we build into a 2 day CE guild.

Love love to talk more on discord and have already sent a request: Oro#6621.

Below is our basic info:

Hi Friend! I reached out to you via BTAG and I hope to hear from you soon I would love to talk to you about a app and trial. We are in dire need of a Priest or Shaman! Here is some info about us: (PS: Same Server!)

The Hurricane. We are a guild and community that has lasted since Vanilla. Through server transfers and life changes for many, our WoW guild and discord server are active with members old and new.

Raiding just two nights a week with multiple recent Cutting Edge achievements (8/8 BoD, 12/12 Nya), we strive to attain CE while being flexible. Our mission is to aim for excellence while making best use of our limited raiding hours.

We are currently recruiting for 9.1! We are looking for:

2-3 DPS (Warlock, Hunter, Rogue, Boomkin, Spriest, Warrior)

Any Exceptional Players feel free to apply!

We raid twice a week at the following times: Tues/Fri 8:30-12am EST (5:30-9pm PST)

21+ year old applicants only.

or feel free to reach out via discord to SamSamSam#4315 or Btag Sam#11390! Thank You!

Hey friend! Naughtytime here :slight_smile:
I am Gm/RL of the Exclusive Outcasts on Kel’Thuzad. We are an alliance guild :slight_smile:
Casual mythic prog guild/ AOTC guild.

We raid Wednesdays and Thursdays as of right now. Sometimes we switch to Tuesday to fit schedules. We are 9/10 heroic, 1/10 Mythic in the Sanctum of Domination! We are in need of raiders right now! We have lost a quite of few people to classic and have some people stepping away from the game right now. We are looking for tanks, healers and DPS! We need it all!

As of right now we have consistently have 2-3-9 to 2-4-12. We have one of our DPS mains as tank right now. Current needs:
Tank :
Any type! We are rocking warrior/Druid right now.
Healer :
Shaman, druid, monk, pally. We will take a priest but we already heal with 3 :slight_smile:
Warlock please! We need one badly! DK, Druid, Mage, ETC. We would take about anything of course!

PVP in the future, keystone nights on the weekend :slight_smile:
Bubonict#1987 B tag / Ty - Resent#3575 Discord

We are not going to get CE but I thought I would reach out anyway :slight_smile: good luck with recruiting! Hope you find a team if you’re not interested

Hit me up on my socials above, would love to chat!

Thank all for your interest!

1 Like

may be looking again, the team i joined has 6 core healers with none going offspec.

Hello Bubbleoatone!

Vexed is looking to rebuild our Mythic raid team we are all currently 3/10M and are in need of another healer! We are horde located on Area 52 and our raid times are 8:30pm-11:30pm EST if this interests you feel free to add and message me!
BNET: BigDaddyDiff#1438
Discord: Toasty#4269


Currently 5/10M with P3 experience on Painsmith.

Empire has been around since 2005 and consists of students, business professionals, and parents who can’t commit to tons of raiding each week, but during the little time we do raid, we kick butt and have a ton of fun in the process. We’ve had several real life guild meetups and have formed lifelong friendships over the last fifteen+ years we’ve been together.

What You Can Expect From Empire

  • Leadership focused on progression but also maximizing enjoyment!
  • Individuals with entertaining personalities.
  • An inclusive community.
  • A dedicated team focused on killing bosses as efficiently as possible.
  • A group who enjoys playing WoW and other games with each other :slight_smile:

What We Expect From You

  • Consistency.
  • An easygoing personality that contributes to a fun raiding environment.

Current Needs

We are currently in need of one healer! If you do not see your role listed, we would still encourage you to apply, as all skilled applicants will be discussed no matter the class.


Reach out to Forf#0001 on Discord with any questions about the Guild!

currentl;y looking for a team ; i have experience on guardian and fatescribe now

im realy good at resto shaman and learning disc; ben playing healer since vanilla, hit me up

willing to server xfer and go back alliance

tried messaging you and says your btag and discord cant be found. my discord is bigmonk#5808 if you want to chat. left the spam above. hope to talk to you soon