50/50 ToGC is easily the most toxic I've ever seen raiding

Not true at all. The fault would be the lack of knowledge of on the new player. If I were to get a new alt I would have 20k gold minimum before hitting 80 without buying gold. Thats more than enough to get into a GDKP. if I do not win anything Im likely to get 6k-13k payout which gives me close to or more than 30k gold for the next week. More than enough to get some items plus Im getting gold back for participating plus Im doing dailies everyday which is an additional 4k gold. I can get BiS before a gold buyer if my luck is better than theirs.

So then guilds should be banned too, right?

Because the playerbase acknowledges that the game is pay2win because they are p2w. Gacha games are different.

Classic andies are just generally salty people, not surprised.

but if you focus on gaining gold wouldn’t that mean you’re losing time on leveling?

that depend, some gdkp’s force you to pay certain gold to get a share, also most gdkp’s have leader/tanks/top performing taking huge % of the pool so you end up with 1item and very low amount of gold.

lol? can you get 4k everyday from doing dailies? wth i dunno tbh i don’t do any xD But i can say that you spend hours on doing dailies! while someone else easily skip that by buying 1token to save the time&effort

your general idea is correct but no matter how much gold you have or gonna own if a whale in your gdkp he/she will always outbid you, Sure you’ll keep gaining more gold but those whales will never allow you to outbid them.

in the end… i think that my whole argument in here with anyone because they do think that p2w only mean “game is selling items on shop” but they’re missing the point that paying $$$ in wow can always give you a higher advantage with many things, it’s not about Rng raid loot issue.

LOL no. You get gold while you level. Its called being efficient. You will learn someday.

So you filter out those that have requirements you cant fulfill and join the ones that are 300 min bid 50g increments. Youll likely get 2-4 pieces with 20k out of those.

Raids are a weekly lockout. 4k a week for one toon from dailies. I could have worded it better.

Theres many conditions that have to be met in order for that to happen and they all have to align at the same time.

  1. The whale is actually in your raid
  2. The whale is the same gear type as you
  3. The whale doesnt already have the pieces that you have

Go in majority of GDKPs and your scenario hardly ever happens. Its so far the minority its funny you even try to argue this point.

In order to pay to win you have to be winning at something and people are already getting those things youd be bidding on for free. You can pay 20 million gold today and never see flare, deaths verdict, etc. There is no amount of money that guarentees you anything. Not pay2win unless your definition of pay2win is so loose that it doesnt even mean anything anymore. At that point, almost every game is pay2win.

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Phase 3 is getting stale pretty fast already, ICC can’t come soon enough

ya idk what these trolls are talking about. RNG is a BIG part of basically every p2w game.

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Pay 2 win games have cash shops that sell player power, there is no rng in buying player power off a cash shop.

y would they sell power rather than a loot box

lol, just kill the boss

You just have to try real hard to think from the perspective of a poor player then it might make sense. Might.

You got flare of the heavens months ago for free but somebody rmt’d today and got flare. They beat you somehow, remember that

flare just went for 140k

Flare also just went for free.

Wonder what the F5 keystroke count is in this thread.

Holy PvE Nerds Batman!

So much gold here.

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Dont you have another fake I quit copy paste to do.

He’s also that Boogie guy.

Usually posts the screen shots of my guilds gdkp.

He’s mad he was in my guild but they kicked him

Oh trust me I know, I remember when you found out who they are

Since people here hate gdkp so much, i thought they would love this system since it actively clash with the gdkp system that people have in their head, the one where clueless, terrible-at-wow, green gears whales can get carried.

Just get the 258 cape and be happy it’s almost as good.

Better to do that when you have ICC gear

Immortal was worse.

Immortal didn’t cost you loot, just achievement points that no sensible person gives a hoot about.