5000 in queue... stolen money?

I feel for your frustration. Not being able to log into your chosen realm is bad juju and I wish they had set up the layering tech from classic to alleviate this issue. I have no idea of the technical hurdles to do so and at this point I can’t imagine it as easy as “plug in more blades to increase server capacity”.

That said, and meant, this is way over the top. You can play the game, many other servers exist. If you were unable to play the game at all I could agree with what you are saying.


Nobully and I have gone rounds in the past on the forums here and the fact we’re actually agreeing and trying to get you to see the same set of facts should say something.

You’re acting like a cornered animal when we’re only trying to provide you context on where Blizzard stands on the matter. We’ve been around for quite awhile and have seen these very same arguments repeatedly.

Nobody is telling you how to feel, defending Blizzard, or saying “tough crap.” That’s all in your own head. There are nothing but statements of fact based upon previous occurrences which have happened similar to this situation.

Does it suck? Sure it does. Should you be able to vent? Absolutely.

Should you call people names who are trying to provide you a logical explanation to what’s happening? No.

You can flail your arms around like a toddler if you feel the need, but directing your anger at the masses doesn’t win you any points outside of making yourself look foolish.

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when realms are “full”, people are prevented from creating new characters there.

…that doesn’t help when all the ones who stopped playing, come back for each launch.

yes, yes it does.



This is seriously unacceptable…I just sat down to play and its a 4 hour freaking queue…GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK OR OFFER YOUR CUSTOMERS FREE SERVER TRANSFERS, THIS IS RIDICLOUS!!!

I’m finally almost through the 4500 people wait, i’m gonna transfer asap, not dealing with this for 1-2 weeks or maybe more, who knows.

Layering def cool tech, but the main reason they’re able to spawn so many layers for Classic is because combat is exponentially more simple in that version of the game. If they tried to deploy it on modern WoW as-is, it’d probably bring the servers to their knees.

I didnt get this warning 5 years ago when I chose A52 but ok.

Continue your victim blaming. You are an upstanding individual for your perspective!

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Bummer, I guess. When that happened to a server I was on, I moved, because I knew things like this happen around expansion launches and I wanted to play.

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I’ll take my 9 cents XD

By all accounts they are giving slands refunds if asked (with the proviso that the boost gotten with it has not been used).

you are not a victim of anything.

no crime has happened, you haven’t been wronged in any way.

not getting what you want doesn’t make you a victim. :roll_eyes:


Have you ever been in line for anything? Do you blame the company for not employing 1 person for each customer?

What do you do if you have to wait in line on peak moments like Xmas and Blackfriday?

You never had a power outtage? Waiting in queue at an amusement park? Going fishing and not catching any fish?

Are they really stealing your money?


Its the choice they made. When the dust clears and the servers become normal they will have it made but that comes with a hefty price.

Times change and so does this game and it’s servers. I used to be on a medium pop realm, AND THEN the CRZ and realm-merging happened. I left a “Normal” server for an “RP” one, and I haven’t been happier since.

I mean if you’re happy with your community, then cool, good on you. But if a new expansion’s login queues bother you, due to your realm now being high or full, then maybe consider making yourself happier when you play the game.

Oh look, another Area-52 thread.

You have the option to play on another server if you’re that desperate while Blizzard fixes the server issues. If you chose not to do that. That’s your fault. Either way you still have access to the service, so your money is not ‘stolen’ from you. Get off that high horse before you get saddle rash.


You could make a new character on a new server and enjoy your playtime experience.


Small diet coke dont go over budget

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i also think mcdonalds is stealing my life away when im waiting in the drive-through line.

*did you know they once had a promotion where you would be served within 30 seconds or they had to give you a free sammich? now youre lucky if youre served within 5 minutes lol

Blizzard: Brags about how this expansion had the most “interest” like in ever
Also Blizzard: says they weren’t ready for the influx of players…


We got nothing better to do than be on the forums during these 4h queues :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It shows the issue of the problem. Area-52 has no problem taking over GD. Just like that.