500 achievement mount

Apparently its been changed to an Otter

im fine with that


Just saw this, looks great!


I feel like that was probably going to be a store mount but after the backlash, they made it the achievement mount instead lol.


Certainly better than the old one. I REALLY hope that there is not a really close recolor to this one though. At least let it’s armor be unique to the other ones.


  • Otter mom

Who else is getting this day one? Woot woot!


Well, that’s how we got the Grove Warden!

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I mean I don’t have an otter so it’s a million times better than a yeti.

Time to get back on the mount farms.


I like this but there’s a lot of Otter mounts datamined, just a recolor instead of something unique, the feedback not only was about the Yeti being an ugly mount then lets give them a cute new model, the feedback was that this kind of goal deserve something good.

Like the Crab from 8.2 meta achievement or the Mage Tower Book mount, those 2 models doesn’t have recolors so far, Collectors with 500 mounts can show off this otter during pre-patch but at some point there’s going to be a Fishing questline, reputations…etc that will bring the same Otter mount with a different color.


i mean, it’s BETTER, but… wowhead already datamined a batch of otter mounts. i wish i could be excited, because otters are cute, but i didn’t spend 100s of hours camping mounts over the course of multiple years to get a recolour of the tuskarr exalted mount, you know?

i know, more fool me for expecting anything other than a reskin of a ground-only mount. i guess having the wandering ancient spoiled me; this is such a perfect project to run as an internal competition/practice thing for your interns, to design and rig something unique and yet… nope! otter#6 here we go.

edit: also, cute as otters are, unless this thing glows in the freaking dark it kind of feels like a come down from the lava lamp cloud serpent and battery acid chicken, lol.


Wait really? Was it not planned to be the AotC mount?

All the complaints did was teach people that, if they toss and turn hard enough on the floor they’ll get what they want

It was supposed to be on the store. That’s why it’s a mount that came out of left field. There are no moose on Draenor.

Man I just do not remember that controversy, but I’m glad y’all gave them hell cause that mount is so gooooood.

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There was a lot of people pissed. It was theorized that the fey drake and skyreaver was supposed to be a quest line. You can still see the NPCs in Shadowmoon Valley. Then there was the whole pathfinder thing.

Good times, good times.

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That’s so cute. :otter:

I’m really happy that they changed it from the yeti.

They could still give us the yeti as a 450 achievement. Just sayin’

I think that the Skyreaver was meant to be a drop from Tovra, the last boss in Grimrail. She rides it, and there isn’t a Warlords dungeon that has a 1% drop rate mount, or mount at all.

Sure. The yeti was just kind of “bleh” because we already have the challenge mode one, the island one, and then I think the grinch/christmas one?

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They could really listen to us and give us something without recolors :confused:

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