50 wins above 2375 and no Gladiator title/mount awarded

Wait until the last day of season for your goals

How does my post at all correlate to the OP’s post?

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Because it was last day of season, and talking about respective rating goals

The “thing” isn’t the waiting though. It’s the complaining after doing so. Jim didn’t complain


Well, yeah. The complaint is silly. The season end time was clearly defined. It’s like complaining you ran out of time in a football game. We all knew the clock we had to work with.

Uh, my post was an update on my seasonal progression towards a specific goal. You can tell from my character arena activity between 2s and RSS that I tried and failed miserably over the last several months to get my goal. I did finally achieve it on Sunday.

What my comment towards the OP was that he was pointing out that the seasoned ended earlier than usual, i.e. 1 AM EST. My point was are you really going to complain about something so trivial when you had many months where you actively could have tried to achieve said goal.

My post and his post are not mutually exclusive and the point you’re trying to make is an odd stretch.

A significantly more concise way to sum up my thoughts.

Apologies for my verbosity.

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Didn’t have the script and tried to manually count seems like, yeah.

/run C_ContentTracking.ToggleTracking(2, 19091, 2)

If they dare look. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

I understand. 1AM cutoff is a silly complaint, as it was given information.

I misunderstood the focal point of your post, thinking it was the last day being a bad time to try and reach goals, to which I was saying perhaps your situations are comparable and this isn’t a fair thing to say.

But OP was also queueing with Jellybeans last night so… the situations likely aren’t comparable anyway.

i looked at OPs check pvp, they are 10x glad so i kinda question the idea they were manually counting wins, but who knows

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Part of the way through last season Blizzard removed the achievement from the interface that normally you could easily track and then also changed the script to track particular achievements

So yeah not outside the realm of possibility considering how many people poked me for win script :dracthyr_love_animated:

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I may have gotten my last win @ 9:59 PM server time but I like to live on the edge…


wish they posted the season end time in game honestly. either midnight or server reset seems like the logical time to assume. not everything going grey randomly at 10pm lolll

It was announced back on April 2nd that the end time of season 3 was 10pm PDT.

Yeah, it’d be cool if there was an in game timer, but it wasn’t a random end at all.


Yeah, in-game timer as well as map pool would be nice, but they did give prior notice as to when the season would end, and did end it on time correctly this season.

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it was random to anyone who doesn’t check news outside of the game, is what i mean. but yeah, was pretty obvious and if someone cared enough they would find out haha.

just a silly qol thing. for me i would’ve eaten dinner at the computer if the time was tracked in game lol. just figured i had till at least midnight woops

Lots of things are going to appear to happen seemingly at random to those who choose to remain uninformed


I hate when it randomly starts raining buckets and all the losers who looked up to “see if the midday sky is so gray it’s almost black” already scampered indoors to hog all the towels


both cringe responses honestly

I may be cringe, but you’re mean and that’s worse

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:face_with_peeking_eye: my b

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