I wouldn’t mind if there was an increase in character slots. Even though I’m not as bad an altoholic as I used to be. Having it a paid feature for more slots would make sense.
Nobody needs more than fifty different characters… I would argue that most players probably dont even need twenty characters. As for the quest limit, I would agree that it should be extended by at least five.
We need 1 of each gender per armor type.
21 races x 2 genders x 4 armor types = 128 character slots.
Do it Blizz!
LOL I’d be down for it.
Seriously though, I would kill to have more slots. I have 2 accounts and almost hit 50 on each like the OP. A lot of them made from leveling with friends who are gone now and I don’t have the heart to delete them do to memories. I don’t see what would hurt upping or out right removing the cap. <3
So it your prefer way playing the game is superior then ours? sure . . .
Im just saying that if you have that many characters, not much actual thought or attention goes into anything for the most of them. And if that is true, deleting some to make room for more shouldnt be an issue. Im not claiming superiority or lack thereof, it is a game after all.
also, trying to read that horrendous sentence first thing in the morning made my head hurt…
Here I am.
With two characters. Lol
You’re not exactly helping your “you have a problem” case, pal.
No, that’ll be you, and all the other people who think blank incredulity is somehow an argument.
How ridiculous.
There are countless extremes people go to in this game, and you call them cool. How about people who have every pet, every mount? People who used to grind top PVP ranks? Top end mythic raiders and mythic+ players?
This game has been out for FIFTEEN years, why is it so hard to believe people are hitting the 50 cap, especially considering characters are EVERYTHING in an RPG, and the fact we now have TWENTY ONE races, so that’s FORTY TWO models. Oh and probably more coming.
The game started with sixteen, and eight classes instead of instead of twelve (oh and again likely another one next expansion).
Is it so hard to imagine some people want to have one of every model? To experience every aspect of the game?
I could rant for hours over this amazingly annoying and common response from people “You have something wrong with you” because apparently everything else is fine in an RPG but if you have ‘too many’ characters you’re a freak.
How about people who just enjoy levelling? After fifteen years, that’s going to total a lot of characters.
“You can’t play fifty at once or a ‘good’ amount of time”
For starters the entirely arbitrary determination ‘good amount of time’, defined how exactly? George can only play WoW once a month, because he’s busy with work and family. Is he playing a ‘good amount’? Really he’s not making good progress so perhaps he should delete it.
Why do you need 500 mounts? Can’t ride them all can you? Why not delete most of them? 500 pets? What’s the point? 300 toys? How can you use that many?
I can’t play TWO characters at the same time. Huh why bother with two?
Actually, MMORPGs are played over the course of years-- and I can tell you all of my characters get a sufficient look in over that much time. Do people ever consider that it’s possible to play them ‘in rotation’? One week I’ll play a set of five Alliance toons; then I might switch to five Horde-- “Oh, today I want to play some spellcasters.” “Tomorrow I’ll play the moster races.”
You get the idea. Or rather, you don’t.
This always happens whenever the fifty limit is brought up.
There are ALWAYS a handful of people who just come out with “There’s something wrong with you.” and I am still scratching my head as to why it only seem to happen with this specific topic and not any other perceived extreme behaviour in the game.
I think they feel empowered by Blizzard effectively backing them up. Ion’s comments on the matter in that Q&A some time ago were pretty rough and were little more than “There’s something wrong with you” but said in a diplomatic cloak.
Those mythic raiders really should just stop being so extreme with this game shouldn’t they? Collectors ditto.
In fact playing this game in any way that doesn’t meet with some arbitrary approval.
Get out of town.
Really people? You can’t wrap your head around the idea that others do things differently and at different rates then you do? News flash, not everyone plays exactly like you do. Shocking, eh? Just because you don’t or can’t play more than a couple toons doesn’t mean others can’t. Might hurt your brain but look beyond yourself. Just because you might only like to burn through new content and ignore the rest of the game doesn’t mean others do.
The majority of players are casual. You can spit and curse but it’s been that way since LK at the very least. You know what a lot of casual players do? They level toons. And when they get done they like to keep them. Blizz knows this even if you don’t. Allied toons only entices more toon leveling. Heritage armor only more so. Just because your high and mighty tuchus doesn’t want more toons doesn’t mean others don’t and they’re not wrong for wanting. Blizz knows this even if you don’t. Expanding the limit is an easy way for blizz to keep players playing. More cash for Blizz.
It is incredible that people find it so hard to believe that people who enjoy levelling characters might have quite a number by now-- after FIFTEEN (ish) YEARS.
It’s also not so amazing that those people don’t actually like having to constantly delete them once they reach the cap.
Yes, there should be a limit, but the point is it is ridiculous that it hasn’t risen over so many years, considering we’ve had so many new races and classes added to the game. 50 was generous back then, yes, but we are now in a situation where one is very close to that cap if one wants one of each race and model represented (including Demon Hunters). Personally I would like to have a ‘normal’ model of each, because to me Death Knights are separate as they have different eyes and skin.
Blizzard also knows they don’t want to increase storage space for 500 million accounts, when people aren’t actually playing those characters, rather they are collecting them.
Most people just make another account. I find it hard to believe people who are making all these characters are quitting playing for long terms of time anyway, based on what you describe seems to me they are pretty addicted to the game.
Behold the zombie thread.
Gets up every four months.
Yep, because it still needs to be changed.
Nope. It’s fine. Hoarding is a personal problem, not a game problem.
Make another account.
But ‘hoarding’ absolutely anything else, or indeed playing the game to intense and extreme levels like Mythic world firsts is fine?
Characters ARE the game. The cap should be double what it was from the launch.
Just how much space do you think a character takes up? It’s all going to be data that just points to what gear/stats/achievs and all that you have-- in other words I bet you could fit biliions of character statuses on a single large hard drive.
Nope, the reason they don’t want to do it is because it takes work in reprogramming the systems to support it-- and people like you very much help them in that by infuriatingly support not increasing the cap for entirely spiteful ‘reasons’.
“I can’t see how one can have so many characters, so don’t let people who do have the cap naturally increase as more races and classes are added over the years.”
It is NOT arbitrary asking for more character slots.
At launch you could have 10. So by your math they are way ahead of the curve here.
Misunderstanding award for you.
Characters in total, not per realm.