5 years later and I still haven't forgot we didn't get Frostmourne

The two classes with the most flavor and total opposites, Paladin and Death Knight.

Rets got the Ashbringer, but Death Knights got a desecrated version of Frostmourne. Splitting it up into two mediocre swords.

Not to mention we don’t even have a proper Lich King anymore, and the Helm of Domination was turned into a Burger King crown. We just can’t stop taking Ls


And Paladins shouldnt have gotten Ashbringer. Shamans shouldnt have gotten Doomhammer. No class should have gotten an iconic weapon. It just cheapens the weapon to being a dime a dozen gimmick.


Yeah I’m heavily aware of that. I said this when Legion came out.

But the cat is out of the bag and we are the only ones who got cheaped out. Also we still technically did get Frostmourne, but a desecrated version of it.


If we got Frostmourne why is everyone complaining about not getting it?

Its also a bad practice to say “these people got /do this so it justifies us getting or doing it”.


Never Forget.
Never Forgive.


Their biggest defense against giving it to us was that it’s too iconic for players.


We got frostmourne as a back piece last month :joy:


Yea we got shafted hard because the devs can’t figure out how to actually balance DK and they took 2h Frost away to simplify it.

Its still totally justifiable for us to get a Frostmourne clone though. Our player DK has already crafted a Mourneblade which we should still canonically have laying around somewhere from WotLK. We also happen to personally know the guy who created Frostmourne in the first place. And it just so happens that he and his homies owe us a HUGE favor for taking out the Jailer.


No we didnt. Thats just the scourge banner.

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Ah well, the Lich King and the Undead Scourge are a forgotten history at this point. :cry:

Time for us to move on to completely new things.

My first counterpoint: Doomhammer
My second counterpoint: Ashbringer
My third counterpoint: Felo’melorn


They still live on in my heart :heartpulse:


Frostmourne is way stronger than any artifact weapon though iirc, it wouldn’t make sense lore wise to have it back the way it was. Great chance it would be an Unholy weapon though. LK used it to raise people from the dead and turn them into minions like he did with Sylvanas. It is more the Unholy experience. Although the way it was done in Legion is better for Frost.


Ashes to ashes.

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Yeah because the Sword with the name “Frost” in it that is capable of conjuring massive storms of ice and has a BLUE glow around it is totally a Unholy weapon and not Frost

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Frostmourne is not stronger than any other artifact. It was shattered by Ashbringer and the Frost artifact is supposed to be even stronger.

The only thing you have gotten right is it would be an Unholy weapon. It’s also a 1h / 1.5h weapon. It’s worn on Arthas’ waist and it ate souls.

It wasn’t Frostmourne that created remorseless winter, it wasn’t Frostmourne that raised the dead, it was the Lich King. Frostmourne itself was a soul prison and did shadow damage. That’s basically it and acted as a conduit for the LK power.

The blue glow isn’t Frost magic either, it’s domination magic. Those are domination magic runes on it (Shadowlands lore).

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Why would you think you are going to get a Mourne blade that consumes yours and anyone you kills soul. That was then destroyed in raid canonically. We can’t make mournblades until shadowlands but you wanted to be able to craft one before then? What are you the Primus or something?

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Did you not watch bolvar use remorseless winter before sylvanas yeeted him? Notice no frostmourne. Dead and cold kinda go together. Dear Lord.

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Show me where any of those weapons have mourneblade archs, how many are directly used by the most iconic wow villain story? How many of those weapons eat souls. Not to mention it literally kills the user by consuming your soul.

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man shut tf up plz. every time i see u on the forums i lose a brain cell. u have more post than playing time its insane

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1, Shadowmourne
2, Yet the weapon that destroyed this Oh So Powerful Sword IS player attainable?