I had a pleasure to see this, glad you can share something with him!!!
Thats against the terms of service.
I started playing WoW first then my daughter joined me. She no longer plays but I still have fond memories of the times we shared and the fun things we did together. I think you’re being a very responsible parent supervising your son the way you do. This was a heart warming story. Thank you for sharing.
I really doubt Blizzard cares that a parent is supervising their child playing on their account my guy.
Then we have …
Then we have:
World of Warcraft - ESRB
The game is rated Teen, not 5 year old… In addition, it is against the ToS to allow anyone to use your account. Until the ToS is amended to say otherwise, it is still against the ToS…period. A customer service representative post doesnt change the document.
Mate… Vrakthris knows very well what is allowed and what isn’t.
Why did you just repeat the customer service reps post? I already covered this…
Post the section of the ToS that specifically says you may allow other people to use your account.
You cant, because it specifically says that this is not allowed. As such, the statement “it is against the ToS” is 100% correct, factual and undebatable.
If the ToS is ever changed, I will change my statement. Until then, a ToS document beats out a customer service rep in a court of law every time.
I dont have a bone in this, but when its referencing a minor child, its talking about the 13-18 age range.
Which is also outlined in the T for teen rating
/10 char
With no correction from Vrak, as they always do if they see something that is even just slightly wrong, and with Vrak saying these two things:
We KNOW that they are talking about a kid that’s below 13 years old, because that’s what Vrak is referencing.
But go ahead, if you think this is wrong … grab a link of the OP and ask about it over on the Customer Support page. And yes, I do trust Vrak on this - like anyone who regularly uses these forums should.
Cute story and all, but… Blizzard doesn’t allow account sharing…
Congratulations on him! But . How dare they say the words kill and dragon together.
Had an answer been found?
The next time I see someone failing badly in game I’m going to tell them that they’re worse than a five year old and point them to this thread.
“it’s like playing with NPCs anyway”
I’m a dad to a 7 month old and I loved this post. Looking forward to potential interest in him but I really don’t want him playing this degenerate game the same way I did back in 07.
Good for you at supervising him, can’t trust anyone these days,. especially online
despite the wholesome post, the title kinda reads like a subtle diss to LFR lol