“If you find the answer to this please let me know. Ive been searching for decades.”
You dont go from igara to volocross in lfr. Whole story sounds made up…
I love this. As one who has a bit of an issue controlling my language during raid leading (sorry everyone) I love playing with guildies/friends kids. They have an experience some of us veterans have not in over a decade. Good job papa! Glad to see your boy is enjoying the World of Warcraft!
So because it’s easy we should be forced to play with a toddler? Best to break that kid in early and votekick after the first pull.
That is so wholesome. Thanks for sharing!
Very limited screen time okay helicopter parent
Some people dont agree at whats inapropriate
TLDR pls
“It’s so easy a 5 year-old can do it!”
A child participated in LFR raid,
we do not have logs of performance but it appears mostly it was just running around with no impact on progression, they defeated the last LFR boss of the expansion.
How would you even know unless someone told you? You wouldnt.
Theres a huge difference in letting him join up for LFR where it doesnt matter how bad he does vs. a normal raid or dungeon group and I would never do that unless I thought he was ready and could perform adequately. Even then I would be leery of just letting him join any group for obvious reasons.
Dont worry, he’s not coming for your raid or mythic plus spots…
I’m going to be that guy and ruin everyones mood. But you sound like those news reports who are like “8 year old buys a house” or “College graduate purchases New York apartment” when we all know none of that is true.
Be honest, your kid was carried, and they should not have been because that just means other players are doing more then they should be. And stop with the “It’s only LFR” excuses already, I’ve had wipes over the weekend doing SARK LFR because people had that attitude, no one should be wiping on Sark, yet it is happening because I am getting people who are either bots, children, or slackers looking for a carry.
What are the more scarier areas please?
What is scarier? I hear about this place called Moonguard or was it Goldshire? They are only legends though, I’m sure they don’t exist.
It’s a myth, I assure you Mooguard on Alliance is quite safe.
Maybe you should meet me on one of my alts there, and I will take…good care of you.
Bro…got a youtube star in the making there
Even crazier more than one brewmaster monk has soloed heroic Fyrakk already.
My 6 year old leveled up and went to 60 and all 3 raids in shadowlands. It was amazing how easily and adaptable the game is now. There truly is something for everyone. The deep lore has him an avid reader now of deep books and similar. About to have him catching up with me here in dragonflight.
That’s awesome!
Shots fired!
Jokes aside, that was the cutest thing I have ever read. Can’t wait for people to tell me they have a hard time on LFR. “Homie, a five year old can firm it, get your life together.”