There it is. You admit winning isn’t worth it if it takes time. Sorry that alliance cant run 8 minute zerg wins anymore. But saying you can’t win as fast as you like isn’t the same as saying you can’t win at all.
Unfortunately they are not alone with their complete lack of map awareness. Even without knowing the map, they probably still have a greater than 90% win rate in AV.
A few posts ago you were saying it was eight seconds. Now you’re down to four.
Look at your post. You are sitting there with a huge purple vein pulsing out of your forehead. You are the very definition of toxic.
The worst part about all of this is that you actually believe horde players are better by default, and that Alliance players are worse.
You aren’t stupid. I won’t make that claim. You are incredibly, ferociously intellectually dishonest though. As in, a person no one should give even the slightest amount of consideration to.
He means the issue is with the NA Alliance playerbase, not the map.
Pretty self explanatory.
Screenshot taken yesterday per timestamps, on Taiwan server.
Alliance in Asia must have a different map.
See above. Not by default no, but when you guys are fighting 30v40 here, it kinda screws your chances. Apparently Alliance in Asia queue to Win.
Or horde are just bad. Letting alliance win that many games in under 30 minutes?
You removed most of the first block of text making it seem like I was asking about map imbalance, I clearly was not if you read more than the first question.
There we go. Not once have I advocated for any changes in particular, nor claimed that the OCE servers have the same loss ratio so I’m not sure what the point of your post was.
ETA: Makes me wonder if the other forum post about premades being “back” on OCE is true with all those 8 min wins… if a random spreadsheet is to believed as authentic that is.
Point was clear. Apparently, on other servers, Alliance are banging out wins no problem, despite playing on the very same map that NA Alliance are claiming to be the sole reason for their losses.
Lol. So when Alliance win, it’s because Horde let them. When Horde wins, it’s because map imbalance?
The coping mechanisms are strong with this one.
Ah ok got it. Didn’t have to do with what I wrote then really. Have you peeked at this post I was referring to?
I just thought it was interesting If the very few games going on at one time meant they found a way to continue their premade ways.
ETA: sorry I hadn’t gotten fully caught up on that post and see that you already gave your similar thoughts @ comment 189. I agree it seems very odd that alliance pugs would pull of such short wins, unless the Horde meta has reverted to rush or they are coordinating groups still.
Lol. So when NA alliance lose, it’s because they’re bad. When Asia horde lose, it’s not because they’re bad.
Horde can completely shut down a zerg on this map. If alliance are winning as many short games as that screenshot shows, where were horde?
Woah. “Bad” never entered the discussion here until you introduced it. The Alliance problem in NA is that you guys are fighting 10+ people down. You know how many times we’ve been pushing SPGY, and I find literally 5+ people sitting underneath your bridge wedged in the little ledge soaking up your honor and being otherwise useless?
That has nothing with the other Alliance on your team being “bad”, and more that the attitude of NA players are on a whole, pretty garbage, relative to the tryhard attitudes of the Asian players.
Step back, and look at this objectively. Alliance in Asia are winning. Alliance in NA are losing. Why? If both regions use the same map, then map literally cannot be the contributing factor here.
So you don’t think there’s a potential for additional organization going on like you said in the other thread? I mean NA servers had wins like that with premades, right? So that could be the differentiating factor? (Just speculation of course)
Which server?
It’s entirely possible, even likely. In fact I’d go so far as to say a fully pugged 5 minute win in AV beggars belief.
So at the end of the day, coordination clearly trumps map imbalances in either direction–we knew that going in based on previous NA premade success.
The question really, is given the original premade methods were broken, what are they doing differently in Asia, and can Alliance in NA implement the same methods here?
I could be wrong, so don’t bite my head off if so, but I believe: 伊弗斯
I would ask you to do the same. If the map is not a consideration, but it simply comes down to player attitude, then the same would apply to horde in those games from your screenshot.
I can’t deny that some alliance players have a defeatist attitude, but I’m also aware that the problem is more complex than that and does, in fact, have some issues with the map.
You could be absolutely right. I don’t know anything about how Horde in Asia play. All I’m going off of, is the fact that here we have objective evidence, that Alliance can pull off wins in a consistent manner.
So whether there is a map imbalance or not, clearly, it is not insurmountable. The “How” is the only question in contention at this point.
Interesting that this is in English:
The only Taiwan server is Maraudon, a PvE server, and the client isn’t English. I’d just really like to see the primary source for this.
It’s not that simple though. Alliance had zerg wins for a week after AV release. They stopped. Why did they stop? Because horde stopped allowing it to happen.
Then alliance premades stepped up and did the same thing, only they had something alliance pugs don’t have, coordination and voice comms.
So not knowing which of these scenarios applied to your screenshot, we can’t just dismiss the map and blame NA alliance attitude.
I had heard (after the second wave of changes) that the Asian servers had figured out a way but it was very complicated and required having group members log off and was too “exploity” for the likes of the AV discords I was aware of (didn’t want to push the limits of the ban possibility). It also seemed unpredictable with the number of games going on on NA group; which also would make sense if we have 25 games going while they have 8ish? Again pure speculation. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did indeed find a work around but this time smartened up and didn’t share this with NA/forums, we see what happened the last time they did.
Exactly. Why was it in English?
Have you tried getting gud?