A lot of arguments in this post are subjective, so I’m just pointing out the things that are objectively false. I do want to mention that you refute the weak cave argument correctly but ignore the stronger cave argument (horde rezzing at cave to defend IBGY x20 vs Alliance rezzing at SP x 10 to defend SHGY).
So let’s dig in to the things that indicate you haven’t played the alliance side of the map.
What? There are 2 Lts immediately outside of Galvs room. Either side of the doorway, and impossible to avoid when going in.
False; you have commander Dardosh who guards the IBT flag and Louis who guards TP.
If they’re “easier to defend” then that’s the same for both “aggressors” and “defenders”. LOS is a nightmare on these towers for both assisting dps and healing.
There are 3: you can also ride the path up to the Alliance cave and rain down on SPGY.
The Horde benefiting from the map is not unlike the Alliance benefitting from the queue system and faction balance numbers. Label them how you want to with feelings but both are under Blizz control.
You’re the one not reading the EU forums. This is false.
There’s a couple for your ease of becoming more informed.
I played Horde exclusively until 2017 (so 12 years) and I do not remember rezzing at the cave when IBGY was under attack. I also do remember alliance winning a lot when rushing objectives for both sides was the “meta” but most of my memories are of the slow grind between pushing SHGY back to SPGY and never using the 2 alternate paths for some reason. Granted I’ve always healed so I do tend to follow the masses quite a bit . The game overall is not played the same way as it was at launch, in January, or in Vanilla. Does Alliance contribute to the crap faction experience? Absolutely. Significantly. But even the people who I knew that were the most passionate about overcoming the mindset of “just lose already” have become so discouraged by the obstacles that they either 1) don’t queue anymore, 2) play in small teams looking for small skirmishes, or 3) have moved on to other things than Classic. Thanks for reading.
Edited for phone formatting errors