5 second loot/ability lag is awesome

Sadly I couldn’t even cast a single spell that day, I had to so many imps around me because of Inner demons (talent), but they were not despawning lol


Dang, well worth a shot, as demo we do have some history of turning game lag into a part of our rotation.

As someone who’s primary source of gold income is from Skinning, even minor loot lag is unbearable.

5 second loot lag, that one is pretty rare, but .5 second loot lag is happening all the time now, and it adds up a lot when you have to loot, then skin, then loot again.


Been having ability lag in Tiragarde Sound all day today, everywhere else is fine though. Apparently my router is only going into potato mode for a single zone.

To be fair, if i was in tirigarde sound my computer would probably want me to play something else to.

It only happens in Tirisgard Sound lately.

Literally every zone is spotless, until you go in TS…

I’ve never had a problem with the jumping jellies WQ…until today.

It took a couple dozen attempts to finally complete it, along with one of those pilon puzzles/shooters where many keypresses weren’t even registering until way too late.

I even fell right through the middle of several of the jellies at its worst. And there were a half dozen folks there at the time with the same issues. Many just gave up and left in frustration.

Yet everything else I did online today worked fine, including a couple of other games. I know that some days are better than others, but today, that was definitely one of the worst periods like that that I’ve ever had in this game.

/moo :cow:

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Riddle me this, if its only affecting a select group of people and not everyone how is it the blizzard server?

It’s not just affecting a select group of people, genius.


It’s not affecting me…so its clearly not affecting everyone. :wink: Maybe this belongs in your servers forums.

There’s always some dour with the “I’m fine” line when the house is on fire. Maybe you could see your way out.


Provide proof that it’s not a select group of people and its Blizzard servers then maybe? As I am not experiencing it, and from what I can tell only a select few are as the forums isn’t on fire.

I have had 0 issues in Nazjatar, Jumping Jellies is simply a buggy WQ in general.

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I’ve had this issue for a while now. It comes and goes, but my lag meter is around 40ms whenever I check while its happening. Its generally worse at the start of a session. I live in KS so maybe it’s an issue with the Chicago server? Its irritating, but not a game stopper.

I often see this in Suramar. Click a corpse, wait 2 seconds for the loot window to pop up. Wait 2 seconds for each item to be clickable.

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I have done that multiple times. Does not help. Because the problem is on blizzard’s end.

cutting costs, reducing servers i guess lately it seems : /


You just need to unplug it harder, faster, with more willpower.

I’m not losing my head… but this server lag is… very frustrating when it wasn’t a problem for all of Cata, MoP, WoD (aside from launch day issues), and Legion… yet now, it seems to be a persistent issue. Where I have a low ping, high fps… yet there’s immense server lag. To the point that abilities take seconds to go off. It isn’t the end of the world, but it certainly isn’t making my play experience enjoyable either…

Particularly, since it’s not been an issue in the past. Lag? Sure… my ping goes up, my internet connection is messed up, I call up my ISP and figure out what’s up… But everything I can do on my end is perfectly fine… Nah… Not a fan. Up your game bliz… At least on par with prior expacs.

Have you done any trouble shooting? Low Ping generally suggests its not a connection problem. Did you attempt to play without addons and see if that helps. If it does then slowly turn them back on one by one until you find the culprit? It seems to only affect certain people so it would be good to narrow down what the common thing is.

Also not sure if this is still a thing but a long time ago deleting the WTF folder was how to fix almost every issue. The running joke was it was called the WTF folder because literally anything that would make you say WTF could be fixed by deleting it.