5 second loot/ability lag is awesome

Blizzard, I realize you’re a small Indie company, but it’s about time you replace that hamster.

This 5 second loot/ability lag, people and mobs skipping around on the screen, etc is unbecoming.


This may very well be your internet not being as high speed as you think.

Fios is a lie


Did ya drink the water?

Ya a bit with me on one. , but the other i got 80fps 45ms/45ms normal was/is 30 fps.
On hunter…in beralas harbor.

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It’s not my internet. Nearly everyone in General is complaining about it. Plus, trace routes exist.


This has been an on-again off-again problem for all of BFA. At times it is absolutely awful.


Yeah, nah. This has been an issue on specific servers in BFA-related zones since launch. Turalyon has it especially bad today in Boralus (all of Tiragarde, really) and to a lesser extent Nazjatar. Tested this enough to know it’s not my connection.


Sucks, but don’t lose your head over it.

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It’s been an issue for literally the entire expansion on Turalyon. Difficult to not be frustrated.

I’ll clarify here that if I enable War Mode and get ported to a shard that isn’t primarily my server, I generally get far better performance. One of my hunches has been that it’s tied to the datacenter (Chicago’s, specifically).


But uh… are you sure?

So do me a solid, humor me, unplug your router, then modem, and leave unplugged for 30 seconds, plug the modem in, wait a minute, plug the router in, then wait 2 minutes.

Humor me.

Already ran traces and WinMTR today. Zero issues along the route from my endpoint to the datacenter. We’ve been through this numerous times in this thread: Ability/Loot Lag on North American Servers Despite Normal Latency - #626 by Djinndark-scarlet-crusade


But you didn’t try the good ol fashion unplug.

Like I said, humor me

I love it when people try to play network engineer with call center skills. Hey homie, it’s not our internet connections.


I like when people try and scapegoat their potato routers and blame the game.

Hey homie, humor me.

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2-3 days ago everyone at Nazjatar were lagging a lot, I sent a message through /1 and lots of people said they were experiencing lag. It lasted like 10 minutes then everything went back to normal.

It happened at Tiregarde Sound some week ago, but that one lasted hours. You could not even use your heard stop to escape out of the zone, but general chat was working like if the server were not lagging. It was fun to see the amount of spam everyone was making that day.


The thread I linked provides more than sufficient evidence; I’m not about to repeat steps I’ve already repeated in the past just to sate your desire to not review what we’ve provided. Blizzard even performed maintenance and a hotfix tied to this very issue about a month and a half prior to 8.2 and it helped a bit up until patch launch.


Unless you get back on the thicc homie character i reject anything you have to say.

Behold the power of a laggy server!


That’s not what “scapegoat” means. A scapegoat is something that is blamed for the flaws/faults/whatever of another. In this case, scapegoating a router would be blaming it for something that’s wrong with the game. Which is what you’re doing.


Please tell me you spammed tyrant with Decon while that was happening.