5% really?

How does a casual player find ‘correct’ information? Which sites would you direct them to or do you suggest they go out and experiment as all the beta testers should have been doing to provide correct information?

Raidbots is the best option in my opinion. It’s not perfect, but it’s as close as you’re going to get to accurate information.

The biggest problem with those guides is your stat priority and gear needs will depend on where you sit right now. For example, if 20% haste is optimal, anything lower or higher is less important. Guides rarely provide that context, where a simulator will factor that in.

Simulations always assume perfection in all you do with no allowance for mechanics and or less than perfect proc rates etc.

Sims are a starting point not an end all point.

Agreed, but they’re leaps and bounds better than any ‘guides’ I’ve seen. In the end, it takes experience and knowledge of your spec to know what will net you the biggest gains.

For example, I need more haste. I’ve gemmed and enchanted for haste, but still need more. My focus regen is slow and I struggle to keep frenzy stacks up. But if I got to Icy Veins, it tells me I need more crit. At 29% crit, I’ve already passed soft cap, so telling me to focus on crit is just dumb.

Oh agreed definitely better than anything in guides for sure. Even most of those writers espouse using Raidbots to make sure

Mainly I was responding to the Legendary gear what is best to use part of Raidbots as in SFE over a passive like Rylacks
Like hey if you can do SFE successfully good on you one of our raid groups comparably geared BM’s seems to be able to manage well especially on cleave fights but once on a boss where fewer targets and mechanics rear their ugly head I pull ahead.

I’m confused.

I know that simming assumes best possible combination of outcomes, and that no one could ever be as good as a simulation. With that in mind, are you saying that based on your style of play and your ability you determined that Killer Instinct and Aspect of the Beast is the better option? So in other words: “your mileage may vary”?

Simulators are unreliable, but still leaps and bounds better than guides. There is no substitute for experience and knowledge of your own spec/class.

Like Cog says do the sim then try the recommended out on target dummy see how YOU make out trying to achieve the DPS claimed by the sim

Then consider what you will deal with regarding content you will be doing as a primary.

I agree with this so much. I wasn’t going to use the talent but had no choice with how much BM is already underperforming. It’s annoying being as wide as 5 people (because there’s a space between you and the pets) when trying to avoid mobs. Not only that, but the second pet is buggy as hell, both pathing-wise and in other situations, like if I feign death after the second pet dies, it’ll respawn alive and pull stuff. Same thing with camo, it’ll respawn not in camo.

Having a second pet should be cosmetic only, if people like that. It should be a glyph or something.

Now try being Venthyr, where AOE and cooldowns are basically nonexistent, lol. I don’t even feel my damage going up when using Bestial Wrath and Aspect of the Wild.

The thing that makes me irritated is the flat buffs/nerfs are always round numbers like 3,5,10%. This shows that they are just guessing and seeing what sticks instead of playing and mathematically solving the issue.

Imagine taking the upfront time then giving specific abilities a 7.67% buff and being done versus constant 3,5,10% aura buffs/nerfs

its funny cuz it was the opposite last expansion lol

If they were actually serious about targeted buffs, it would be more like +50% to Kill Command (which ain’t killing anything right now). They should also rename Kill Shot to Cheap Shot because it’s cheap focus-wise and doesn’t do much either like a real cheap shot.


It doesnt help that kill shot damage is also reduced with armor so the execute they brought back really doesn’t feel like an execute


I think the same. In Wrath, KS was the highest damage shot for Marks and would crit for 35-48k in PvE depending on weapon damage roll. For comparison, Chimera first shot would crit 16-22k in BiS and Aimed a little below that.

The two suggestions I have for buffing KS to make it a bit meatier is reducing the GCD that it’s on and the GCD it triggers to .5 sec or 1 sec and/or making KS have armor penetration so it feels like a proper execute. Adjust the focus cost if need be, but dropping into execute range should feel punchy and not just like adding one extra button into rotation. It could also grant an armor penetration buff on the target like Find Weakness for Rogues.

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Since 95% of hunters were basically forced to roll into MM if they wanted to contribute fairly to their groups, you can’t expect them to throw BM or SV more than some trivial table scraps so as to not upset the boat. Even if Blizz acknowledges that we are still >10% behind MM, they are not going to give us a boost that might put us even 1% over or they would switch from having the 5% playing BM and SV upset to having the 95% playing MM upset that they are no longer the obvious go to hunter spec. Just be happy in the bottom 1/4 of the DPS playing the spec you like or re-roll to MM like most everyone else. Blizzard is incompetent at simulating/balancing among the classes, much less within a class. I’m sticking with BM and trying to ignore reality. I feel disappointed, like an unwanted stepchild.

Amen to that. My tooltip says 3,492 damage, but hits clothies for about half that. In a time when burst is king in PvP, that’s just plain insulting.

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Just to put this in perspective, over a third of hunters who have chosen a covenant (so at least level 50+) are still BM despite its poor standing right now.


I know I’m BM because I don’t like marksman I never did, I only played it because it’s the superior spec and I didn’t want to be dead weight in content I enjoyed. I would much rather be BM and still be viable and have fun instead of play something I despise.

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I enjoy BM more than I do MM as well. SV used to be my favorite, but that’s for another topic lol.

I mostly just try to play what I find enjoyable these days rather than what is necessarily the best.